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3 definitions found

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 權重; 權; 重; 權數; 重量; 加權; 重量; 負荷; 砝碼; 權( 衡 ) WT; WGT

From: Network Terminology

 權 重量

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: the vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity
      2: sports equipment used in calisthenic exercises and
         weightlifting; a weight that is not attached to anything
         and is raised and lowered by use of the hands and arms
         [syn: free weight, exercising weight]
      3: the relative importance granted to something; "his opinion
         carries great weight"
      4: an artifact that is heavy
      5: an oppressive feeling of heavy force; "bowed down by the
         weight of responsibility"
      6: a system of units used to express the weight of something
         [syn: system of weights]
      7: a unit used to measure weight; "he placed two weights in the
         scale pan" [syn: weight unit]
      8: (statistics) a coefficient assigned to elements of a
         frequency distribution in order to represent their
         relative importance [syn: weighting]
      v 1: weight down with a load [syn: burden, burthen, weight
           down] [ant: unburden]
      2: present with a bias; "He biased his presentation so as to
         please the share holders" [syn: slant, angle]