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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Poison bush. In Australia: (a) Any fabaceous shrub of the genus Gastrolobium, the herbage of which is poisonous to stock; also, any species of several related genera, as Oxylobium, Gompholobium, etc. (b) The plant Myoporum deserti, often distinguished as Ellangowan poison bush or dogwood poison bush. (c) The ulmaceous plant Trema cannabina, which, though not poisonous, is injurious to stock because of its large amount of fiber.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

 poison bush
      n 1: any of various Australian evergreen shrubs of the genus
           Gastrolobium having whorled compound leaves poisonous to
           livestock and showy yellow to deep reddish-orange
           flowers followed by two-seeded pods [syn: poison pea,
      2: either of two Australian plants of the genus Swainsona that
         are poisonous to sheep [syn: darling pea]