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From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 ap·ple /ˈæpəl/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 ap·ple /ˈæpəl/ 名詞

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ap·ple n.
 1. The fleshy pome or fruit of a rosaceous tree (Pyrus malus) cultivated in numberless varieties in the temperate zones.
 Note:The European crab apple is supposed to be the original kind, from which all others have sprung.
 2. bot. Any tree genus Pyrus which has the stalk sunken into the base of the fruit; an apple tree.
 3. Any fruit or other vegetable production resembling, or supposed to resemble, the apple; as, apple of love, or love apple (a tomato), balsam apple, egg apple, oak apple.
 4. Anything round like an apple; as, an apple of gold.
 Note: Apple is used either adjectively or in combination; as, apple paper or apple-paper, apple-shaped, apple blossom, apple dumpling, apple pudding.
 Apple blight, an aphid which injures apple trees. See Blight, n.
 Apple borer Zool., a coleopterous insect (Saperda candida or Saperda bivittata), the larva of which bores into the trunk of the apple tree and pear tree.
 Apple brandy, brandy made from apples.
 Apple butter, a sauce made of apples stewed down in cider. --Bartlett.
 Apple corer, an instrument for removing the cores from apples.
 Apple fly Zool., any dipterous insect, the larva of which burrows in apples. Apple flies belong to the genera Drosophila and Trypeta.
 Apple midge Zool. a small dipterous insect (Sciara mali), the larva of which bores in apples.
 Apple of the eye, the pupil.
 Apple of discord, a subject of contention and envy, so called from the mythological golden apple, inscribed “For the fairest,” which was thrown into an assembly of the gods by Eris, the goddess of discord. It was contended for by Juno, Minerva, and Venus, and was adjudged to the latter.
 Apple of love, or Love apple, the tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum).
 Apple of Peru, a large coarse herb (Nicandra physaloides) bearing pale blue flowers, and a bladderlike fruit inclosing a dry berry.
 Apples of Sodom, a fruit described by ancient writers as externally of fair appearance but dissolving into smoke and ashes when plucked; Dead Sea apples. The name is often given to the fruit of Solanum Sodomæum, a prickly shrub with fruit not unlike a small yellow tomato.
 Apple sauce, stewed apples. [U. S.]
 Apple snail or Apple shell Zool., a fresh-water, operculated, spiral shell of the genus Ampullaria.
 Apple tart, a tart containing apples.
 Apple tree, a tree which naturally bears apples. See Apple, 2.
 Apple wine, cider.
 Apple worm Zool., the larva of a small moth (Carpocapsa pomonella) which burrows in the interior of apples. See Codling moth.
 Dead Sea Apple. (a) pl. Apples of Sodom.  Also Fig.  “To seek the Dead Sea apples of politics.” --S. B. Griffin. (b) A kind of gallnut coming from Arabia. See Gallnut.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ap·ple v. i. To grow like an apple; to bear apples.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart
           crisp whitish flesh
      2: native Eurasian tree widely cultivated in many varieties for
         its firm rounded edible fruits [syn: orchard apple tree,
          Malus pumila]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    (Heb. tappuah, meaning "fragrance"). Probably the apricot or
    quince is intended by the word, as Palestine was too hot for the
    growth of apples proper. It is enumerated among the most
    valuable trees of Palestine (Joel 1:12), and frequently referred
    to in Canticles, and noted for its beauty (2:3, 5; 8:5). There
    is nothing to show that it was the "tree of the knowledge of
    good and evil." Dr. Tristram has suggested that the apricot has
    better claims than any other fruit-tree to be the apple of
    Scripture. It grows to a height of 30 feet, has a roundish mass
    of glossy leaves, and bears an orange coloured fruit that gives
    out a delicious perfume. The "apple of the eye" is the Heb.
    _ishon_, meaning manikin, i.e., the pupil of the eye (Prov.
    7:2). (Comp. the promise, Zech. 2:8; the prayer, Ps. 17:8; and
    its fulfilment, Deut. 32:10.)
      The so-called "apple of Sodom" some have supposed to be the
    Solanum sanctum (Heb. hedek), rendered "brier" (q.v.) in Micah
    7:4, a thorny plant bearing fruit like the potato-apple. This
    shrub abounds in the Jordan valley. (See ENGEDI.)