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 pa·per /ˈpepɚ/

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From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pa·per n.
 1. A substance in the form of thin sheets or leaves intended to be written or printed on, or to be used in wrapping.  It is made of rags, straw, bark, wood, or other fibrous material, which is first reduced to pulp, then molded, pressed, and dried.
 2. A sheet, leaf, or piece of such substance.
 3. A printed or written instrument; a document, essay, or the like; a writing; as, a paper read before a scientific society.
    They brought a paper to me to be signed.   --Dryden.
 4. A printed sheet appearing periodically; a newspaper; a journal; as, a daily paper.
 5. Negotiable evidences of indebtedness; notes; bills of exchange, and the like; as, the bank holds a large amount of his paper.
 6. Decorated hangings or coverings for walls, made of paper. See Paper hangings, below.
 7. A paper containing (usually) a definite quantity; as, a paper of pins, tacks, opium, etc.
 8. A medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for external application; as, cantharides paper.
 Note:Paper is manufactured in sheets, the trade names of which, together with the regular sizes in inches, are shown in the following table.  But paper makers vary the size somewhat.
 Note: In the manufacture of books, etc., a sheet, of whatever size originally, is termed, when folded once, a folio; folded twice, a quarto, or 4to; three times, an octavo, or 8vo; four times, a sextodecimo, or 16mo; five times, a 32mo; three times, with an offcut folded twice and set in, a duodecimo, or 12mo; four times, with an offcut folded three times and set in, a 24mo.
 Note:Paper is often used adjectively or in combination, having commonly an obvious signification; as, paper cutter or paper-cutter; paper knife, paper-knife, or paperknife; paper maker, paper-maker, or papermaker; paper mill or paper-mill; paper weight, paper-weight, or paperweight, etc.
 Business paper, checks, notes, drafts, etc., given in payment of actual indebtedness; -- opposed to accommodation paper.
 Fly paper, paper covered with a sticky preparation, -- used for catching flies.
 Laid paper. See under Laid.
 Paper birch Bot., the canoe birch tree (Betula papyracea).
 Paper blockade, an ineffective blockade, as by a weak naval force.
 Paper boat Naut., a boat made of water-proof paper.
 Paper car wheel Railroad, a car wheel having a steel tire, and a center formed of compressed paper held between two plate-iron disks. --Forney.
 Paper credit, credit founded upon evidences of debt, such as promissory notes, duebills, etc.
 Paper hanger, one who covers walls with paper hangings.
 Paper hangings, paper printed with colored figures, or otherwise made ornamental, prepared to be pasted against the walls of apartments, etc.; wall paper.
 Paper house, an audience composed of people who have come in on free passes. [Cant]
 Paper money, notes or bills, usually issued by government or by a banking corporation, promising payment of money, and circulated as the representative of coin.
 Paper mulberry. Bot. See under Mulberry.
 Paper muslin, glazed muslin, used for linings, etc.
 Paper nautilus. Zool. See Argonauta.
 Paper reed Bot., the papyrus.
 Paper sailor. Zool. See Argonauta.
 Paper stainer, one who colors or stamps wall paper. --De Colange.
 Paper wasp Zool., any wasp which makes a nest of paperlike material, as the yellow jacket.
 Paper weight, any object used as a weight to prevent loose papers from being displaced by wind, or otherwise.
 on paper. (a) in writing; as, I would like to see that on paper. (b) in theory, though not necessarily in paractice. (c) in the design state; planned, but not yet put into practice.
 Parchment paper. See Papyrine.
 Tissue paper, thin, gauzelike paper, such as is used to protect engravings in books.
 Wall paper. Same as Paper hangings, above.
 Waste paper, paper thrown aside as worthless or useless, except for uses of little account.
 Wove paper, a writing paper with a uniform surface, not ribbed or watermarked.
 paper tiger, a person or group that appears to be powerful and dangerous but is in fact weak and ineffectual.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 pa·per a.
 1. Of or pertaining to paper; made of paper; resembling paper.
 2. Existing only on paper; unsubstantial; having very overrated power; as, a paper box; a paper army; a paper tiger.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 pa·per, v. t. [imp. & p. p. papered p. pr. & vb. n. papering.]
 1. To cover or line with paper, especially with wallpaper; to furnish with paper hangings; to wallpaper; as, to paper a room or a house.
 2. To fold or inclose in paper.
 3. To put on paper; to make a memorandum of. [Obs.]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj : made of paper; "they wore paper hats at the party"
      n 1: a material made of cellulose pulp derived mainly from wood
           or rags or certain grasses
      2: an essay (especially one written as an assignment); "he got
         an A on his composition" [syn: composition, report, theme]
      3: a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains
         news and articles and advertisements; "he read his
         newspaper at breakfast" [syn: newspaper]
      4: a scholarly article describing the results of observations
         or stating hypotheses; "he has written many scientific
      5: medium for written communication; "the notion of an office
         running without paper is absurd"
      6: a business firm that publishes newspapers; "Murdoch owns
         many newspapers" [syn: newspaper, newspaper publisher]
      7: a newspaper as a physical object; "when it began to rain he
         covered his head with a newspaper" [syn: newspaper]
      v 1: cover with paper; "paper the box"
      2: cover with wallpaper [syn: wallpaper]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    The expression in the Authorized Version (Isa. 19:7), "the paper
    reeds by the brooks," is in the Revised Version more correctly
    "the meadows by the Nile." The words undoubtedly refer to a
    grassy place on the banks of the Nile fit for pasturage.
      In 2 John 1:12 the word is used in its proper sense. The
    material so referred to was manufactured from the papyrus, and
    hence its name. The papyrus (Heb. gome) was a kind of bulrush
    (q.v.). It is mentioned by Job (8:11) and Isaiah (35:7). It was
    used for many purposes. This plant (Papyrus Nilotica) is now
    unknown in Egypt; no trace of it can be found. The unaccountable
    disappearance of this plant from Egypt was foretold by Isaiah
    (19:6, 7) as a part of the divine judgment on that land. The
    most extensive papyrus growths now known are in the marshes at
    the northern end of the lake of Merom.