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7 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典


From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Held imp. & p. p. of Hold.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Hold, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Held p. pr. & vb. n. Holding. Holden p. p., is obs. in elegant writing, though still used in legal language.]
 1. To cause to remain in a given situation, position, or relation, within certain limits, or the like; to prevent from falling or escaping; to sustain; to restrain; to keep in the grasp; to retain.
    The loops held one curtain to another.   --Ex. xxxvi. 12.
    Thy right hand shall hold me.   --Ps. cxxxix. 10.
    They all hold swords, being expert in war.   --Cant. iii. 8.
    In vain he seeks, that having can not hold.   --Spenser.
 France, thou mayst hold a serpent by the tongue, . . .
 A fasting tiger safer by the tooth,
 Than keep in peace that hand which thou dost hold.   --Shak.
 2. To retain in one's keeping; to maintain possession of, or authority over; not to give up or relinquish; to keep; to defend.
 We mean to hold what anciently we claim
 Of deity or empire.   --Milton.
 3. To have; to possess; to be in possession of; to occupy; to derive title to; as, to hold office.
    This noble merchant held a noble house.   --Chaucer.
    Of him to hold his seigniory for a yearly tribute.   --Knolles.
    And now the strand, and now the plain, they held.   --Dryden.
 4. To impose restraint upon; to limit in motion or action; to bind legally or morally; to confine; to restrain.
    We can not hold mortality's strong hand.   --Shak.
    Death! what do'st?  O, hold thy blow.   --Grashaw.
    He had not sufficient judgment and self-command to hold his tongue.   --Macaulay.
 5. To maintain in being or action; to carry on; to prosecute, as a course of conduct or an argument; to continue; to sustain.
    Hold not thy peace, and be not still.   --Ps. lxxxiii. 1.
 Seedtime and harvest, heat and hoary frost,
 Shall hold their course.   --Milton.
 6. To prosecute, have, take, or join in, as something which is the result of united action; as to, hold a meeting, a festival, a session, etc.; hence, to direct and bring about officially; to conduct or preside at; as, the general held a council of war; a judge holds a court; a clergyman holds a service.
    I would hold more talk with thee.   --Shak.
 7. To receive and retain; to contain as a vessel; as, this pail holds milk; hence, to be able to receive and retain; to have capacity or containing power for.
    Broken cisterns that can hold no water.   --Jer. ii. 13.
    One sees more devils than vast hell can hold.   --Shak.
 8. To accept, as an opinion; to be the adherent of, openly or privately; to persist in, as a purpose; to maintain; to sustain.
    Stand fast and hold the traditions which ye have been taught.   --2 Thes. ii.15.
    But still he held his purpose to depart.   --Dryden.
 9. To consider; to regard; to esteem; to account; to think; to judge.
    I hold him but a fool.   --Shak.
    I shall never hold that man my friend.   --Shak.
    The Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.   --Ex. xx. 7.
 10. To bear, carry, or manage; as he holds himself erect; he holds his head high.
    Let him hold his fingers thus.   --Shak.
 To hold a wager, to lay or hazard a wager. --Swift.
 To hold forth, (a) v. t.to offer; to exhibit; to propose; to put forward. “The propositions which books hold forth and pretend to teach.” --Locke. (b) v. i. To talk at length; to harangue.
 To held in, to restrain; to curd.
 To hold in hand, to toy with; to keep in expectation; to have in one's power. [Obs.]
 O, fie! to receive favors, return falsehoods,
 And hold a lady in hand.   --Beaw. & Fl.
 -- To hold in play, to keep under control; to dally with. --Macaulay.
 To hold off, to keep at a distance.
 To hold on, to hold in being, continuance or position; as, to hold a rider on.
 To hold one's day, to keep one's appointment. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
 To hold one's own. To keep good one's present condition absolutely or relatively; not to fall off, or to lose ground; as, a ship holds her own when she does not lose ground in a race or chase; a man holds his own when he does not lose strength or weight.
 To hold one's peace, to keep silence.- To hold out. (a) To extend; to offer. “Fortune holds out these to you as rewards.” --B. Jonson. (b) To continue to do or to suffer; to endure. “He can not long hold out these pangs.” --Shak.
 To hold up. (a) To raise; to lift; as, hold up your head. (b) To support; to sustain. “He holds himself up in virtue.”--Sir P. Sidney. (c) To exhibit; to display; as, he was held up as an example.  (d) To rein in; to check; to halt; as, hold up your horses. (e) to rob, usually at gunpoint; -- often with the demand to “hold up” the hands. (f) To delay.
 To hold water. (a) Literally, to retain water without leaking; hence (Fig.), to be whole, sound, consistent, without gaps or holes; -- commonly used in a negative sense; as, his statements will not hold water. [Colloq.] (b) Naut. To hold the oars steady in the water, thus checking the headway of a boat.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      See hold

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj : occupied or in the control of; often used in combination;
            "enemy-held territory"

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: the act of grasping; "he released his clasp on my arm"; "he
           has a strong grip for an old man"; "she kept a firm hold
           on the railing" [syn: clasp, clench, clutch, clutches,
            grasp, grip]
      2: understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or
         magnitude of something; "he has a good grasp of accounting
         practices" [syn: appreciation, grasp]
      3: power by which something or someone is affected or
         dominated; "he has a hold over them"
      4: time during which some action is awaited; "instant replay
         caused too long a delay"; "he ordered a hold in the
         action" [syn: delay, time lag, postponement, wait]
      5: a state of being confined (usually for a short time); "his
         detention was politically motivated"; "the prisoner is on
         hold"; "he is in the custody of police" [syn: detention,
      6: a stronghold
      7: a cell in a jail or prison [syn: keep]
      8: the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in
         order to use or move it; "he grabbed the hammer by the
         handle"; "it was an old briefcase but it still had a good
         grip" [syn: handle, grip, handgrip]
      9: the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo [syn: cargo
         area, cargo deck, cargo hold, storage area]
      v 1: organize or be responsible for; "hold a reception"; "have,
           throw, or make a party"; "give a course" [syn: throw,
           have, make, give]
      2: keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep
         clean"; "hold in place"; "She always held herself as a
         lady"; "The students keep me on my toes" [syn: keep, maintain]
      3: have or hold in one's hands or grip; "Hold this bowl for a
         moment, please"; "A crazy idea took hold of him" [syn: take
         hold] [ant: let go of]
      4: to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement;
         "This holds the local until the express passengers change
         trains"; "About a dozen animals were held inside the
         stockade"; "The illegal immigrants were held at a
         detention center"; "The terrorists held the journalists
         for ransom" [syn: restrain, confine]
      5: have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices; "She bears
         the title of Duchess"; "He held the governorship for
         almost a decade" [syn: bear]
      6: have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense;
         "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful
         daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
         [syn: have, have got]
      7: keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view; "take for
         granted"; "view as important"; "hold these truths to be
         self-evident"; "I hold him personally responsible" [syn: deem,
          view as, take for]
      8: contain or hold; have within; "The jar carries wine"; "The
         canteen holds fresh water"; "This can contains water"
         [syn: bear, carry, contain]
      9: lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or
         keep within limits; "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold
         your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger"
         [syn: control, hold in, contain, check, curb, moderate]
      10: remain in a certain state, position, or condition; "The
          weather held"; "They held on the road and kept marching"
      11: maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings); "bear a grudge";
          "entertain interesting notions"; "harbor a resentment"
          [syn: harbor, harbour, entertain, nurse]
      12: assert or affirm; "Rousseau's philosophy holds that people
          are inherently good"
      13: remain committed to; "I hold to these ideas"
      14: secure and keep for possible future use or application; "The
          landlord retained the security deposit"; "I reserve the
          right to disagree" [syn: retain, keep back, hold
      15: be the physical support of; carry the weight of; "The beam
          holds up the roof"; "He supported me with one hand while
          I balanced on the beam"; "What's holding that mirror?"
          [syn: support, sustain, hold up]
      16: hold the attention of; "The soprano held the audience";
          "This story held our interest"; "She can hold an audience
      17: keep from exhaling or expelling; "hold your breath"
      18: support or hold in a certain manner; "She holds her head
          high"; "He carried himself upright" [syn: carry, bear]
      19: have room for; hold without crowding; "This hotel can
          accommodate 250 guests"; "The theater admits 300 people";
          "The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people" [syn: accommodate,
      20: be capable of holding or containing; "This box won't take
          all the items"; "The flask holds one gallon" [syn: contain,
      21: be valid, applicable, or true; "This theory still holds"
          [syn: prevail, obtain]
      22: take and maintain control over, often by violent means; "The
          dissatisfied students held the President's office for
          almost a week"
      23: protect against a challenge or attack; "Hold that position
          behind the trees!"; "Hold the bridge against the enemy's
          attacks" [syn: defend, guard]
      24: declare to be; "She was declared incompetent"; "judge held
          that the defendant was innocent" [syn: declare, adjudge]
      25: have as a major characteristic; "The novel holds many
          surprises"; "The book holds in store much valuable
      26: cause to stop; "Halt the engines"; "Arrest the progress";
          "halt the presses" [syn: halt, arrest]
      27: bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted; "He's held by a
          contract"; "I'll hold you by your promise" [syn: oblige,
           bind, obligate]
      28: cover as for protection against noise or smell; "She held
          her ears when the jackhammer started to operate"; "hold
          one's nose"
      29: drink alcohol without showing ill effects; "He can hold his
          liquor"; "he had drunk more than he could carry" [syn: carry]
      30: be pertinent or relevant or applicable; "The same laws apply
          to you!"; "This theory holds for all irrational numbers";
          "The same rules go for everyone" [syn: apply, go for]
      31: arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in
          advance; "reserve me a seat on a flight"; "The agent
          booked tickets to the show for the whole family"; "please
          hold a table at Maxim's" [syn: reserve, book]
      32: resist or confront with resistance; "The politician defied
          public opinion"; "The new material withstands even the
          greatest wear and tear"; "The bridge held" [syn: defy,
          withstand, hold up]
      33: keep from departing; "Hold the taxi"; "Hold the horse"
      34: stop dealing with; "hold all calls to the President's office
          while he is in a meeting"
      35: aim, point, or direct; "Hold the fire extinguisher directly
          on the flames"
      36: be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of
          the settlement"; "I can't agree with you!"; "I hold with
          those who say life is sacred"; "Both philosophers concord
          on this point" [syn: agree, concur, concord] [ant:
      [also: held]