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7 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 re·serve /rɪˈzɝv/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 re·serve /rɪˈzɝv/ 名詞

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Network Terminology

 保留 預訂 儲備

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Re·serve v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reserved. (z░rvd");p. pr. & vb. n. Reserving.]
 1. To keep back; to retain; not to deliver, make over, or disclose. “I have reserved to myself nothing.”
 2. Hence, to keep in store for future or special use; to withhold from present use for another purpose or time; to keep; to retain; to make a reservation7.  
 Note: In cases where one person or party makes a request to an agent that some accommodation (such as a hotel room or place at a restaurant) be kept (reserved) for their use at a particular time, the word reserve applies both to the action of the person making the request, and to the action of the agent who takes the approproriate action (such as a notation in a book of reservations) to be certain that the accommodation is available at that time.
    Hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, which I have reserved against the time of trouble?   --Job xxxviii. 22,23.
    Reserve your kind looks and language for private hours.   --Swift.
 3. To make an exception of; to except. [R.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Re·serve, n.
 1. The act of reserving, or keeping back; reservation.
    However any one may concur in the general scheme, it is still with certain reserves and deviations.   --Addison.
 2. That which is reserved, or kept back, as for future use.
    The virgins, besides the oil in their lamps, carried likewise a reserve in some other vessel for a continual supply.   --Tillotson.
 3. That which is excepted; exception.
    Each has some darling lust, which pleads for a reserve.   --Rogers.
 4. Restraint of freedom in words or actions; backwardness; caution in personal behavior.
 My soul, surprised, and from her sex disjoined,
 Left all reserve, and all the sex, behind.   --Prior.
    The clergyman's shy and sensitive reserve had balked this scheme.   --Hawthorne.
 5. A tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose; as, the Connecticut Reserve in Ohio, originally set apart for the school fund of Connecticut; the Clergy Reserves in Canada, for the support of the clergy.
 6. Mil. (a) A body of troops in the rear of an army drawn up for battle, reserved to support the other lines as occasion may require; a force or body of troops kept for an exigency. (b)  troops trained but released from active service, retained as a formal part of the military force, and liable to be recalled to active service in cases of national need (see Army organization, above).
 7. Banking Funds kept on hand to meet liabilities.
  the reserve to be absorbed from the initial reserve in any year in payment of losses is sometimes called the insurance reserve, and the terminal reserve is then called the investment reserve.
 9.  In exhibitions, a distinction which indicates that the recipient will get a prize if another should be disqualified.
 10.  Calico Printing A resist.
 11.  A preparation used on an object being electroplated to fix the limits of the deposit.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: not engaged in military action [syn: inactive, reserve(a)]
      2: kept in reserve especially for emergency use; "a reserve
         supply of food"; "a spare tire"; "spare parts" [syn: reserve(a),
      n 1: formality and propriety of manner [syn: modesty]
      2: something kept back or saved for future use or a special
         purpose [syn: backlog, stockpile]
      3: an athlete who plays only when another member of the team
         drops out [syn: substitute]
      4: (medicine) potential capacity to respond in order to
         maintain vital functions
      5: a district that is reserved for particular purpose [syn: reservation]
      6: armed forces that are not on active duty but can be called
         in an emergency [syn: military reserve]
      7: the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering
         anything more than necessary [syn: reticence, taciturnity]
      v 1: hold back or set aside, especially for future use or
           contingency; "they held back their applause in
      2: give or assign a share of money or time to a particular
         person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your
         research" [syn: allow, appropriate, earmark, set
      3: obtain or arrange (for oneself) in advance; "We managed to
         reserve a table at Maxim's"
      4: arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in
         advance; "reserve me a seat on a flight"; "The agent
         booked tickets to the show for the whole family"; "please
         hold a table at Maxim's" [syn: hold, book]