abe·ce·dar·i·an /ˌebi(ˌ)siˈdɛriən/ 名詞
abe·ce·dar·i·an /ˌebi(ˌ)siˈdɛriən/ 形容詞
字母的, 初步的。
A·be·ce·da·ri·an n.
1. One who is learning the alphabet; hence, a tyro.
2. One engaged in teaching the alphabet.
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A·be·ce·da·ri·an, A·be·ce·da·ry a. Pertaining to, or formed by, the letters of the alphabet; alphabetic; hence, rudimentary.
Abecedarian psalms, hymns, etc., compositions in which (like the 119th psalm in Hebrew) distinct portions or verses commence with successive letters of the alphabet.
adj : alphabetically arranged (as for beginning readers)
n 1: a novice learning the rudiments of some subject
2: a 16th century sect of Anabaptists centered in Germany who
had an absolute disdain for human knowledge