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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 anath·e·ma /əˈnæθəmə/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 A·nath·e·ma n.; pl. Anathemas
 1. A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority, and accompanied by excommunication. Hence: Denunciation of anything as accursed.
    [They] denounce anathemas against unbelievers.   --Priestley.
 2. An imprecation; a curse; a malediction.
    Finally she fled to London followed by the anathemas of both [families].   --Thackeray.
 3. Any person or thing anathematized, or cursed by ecclesiastical authority.
    The Jewish nation were an anathema destined to destruction. St. Paul . . . says he could wish, to save them from it, to become an anathema, and be destroyed himself.   --Locke.
 Anathema Maranatha , an expression commonly considered as a highly intensified form of anathema.  Maran atha is now considered as a separate sentence, meaning, “Our Lord cometh.”

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a detested person; "he is an anathema to me" [syn: bete
      2: a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    anything laid up or suspended; hence anything laid up in a
    temple or set apart as sacred. In this sense the form of the
    word is _anath(ee)ma_, once in plural used in the Greek New
    Testament, in Luke 21:5, where it is rendered "gifts." In the
    LXX. the form _anathema_ is generally used as the rendering of
    the Hebrew word _herem_, derived from a verb which means (1) to
    consecrate or devote; and (2) to exterminate. Any object so
    devoted to the Lord could not be redeemed (Num. 18:14; Lev.
    27:28, 29); and hence the idea of exterminating connected with
    the word. The Hebrew verb (haram) is frequently used of the
    extermination of idolatrous nations. It had a wide range of
    application. The _anathema_ or _herem_ was a person or thing
    irrevocably devoted to God (Lev. 27:21, 28); and "none devoted
    shall be ransomed. He shall surely be put to death" (27:29). The
    word therefore carried the idea of devoted to destruction (Num.
    21:2, 3; Josh. 6:17); and hence generally it meant a thing
    accursed. In Deut. 7:26 an idol is called a _herem_ =
    _anathema_, a thing accursed.
      In the New Testament this word always implies execration. In
    some cases an individual denounces an anathema on himself unless
    certain conditions are fulfilled (Acts 23:12, 14, 21). "To call
    Jesus accursed" [anathema] (1 Cor. 12:3) is to pronounce him
    execrated or accursed. If any one preached another gospel, the
    apostle says, "let him be accursed" (Gal. 1:8, 9); i.e., let his
    conduct in so doing be accounted accursed.
      In Rom. 9:3, the expression "accursed" (anathema) from Christ,
    i.e., excluded from fellowship or alliance with Christ, has
    occasioned much difficulty. The apostle here does not speak of
    his wish as a possible thing. It is simply a vehement expression
    of feeling, showing how strong was his desire for the salvation
    of his people.
      The anathema in 1 Cor. 16:22 denotes simply that they who love
    not the Lord are rightly objects of loathing and execration to
    all holy beings; they are guilty of a crime that merits the
    severest condemnation; they are exposed to the just sentence of
    "everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord."

From: Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)

 Anathema, separated; set apart