con·ver·sant /kənˈvɝsṇt ||ˈkɑnvɚ/
Con·vers·ant n. One who converses with another; a convenser. [R.]
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Con·ver·sant a.
1. Having frequent or customary intercourse; familiary associated; intimately acquainted.
I have been conversant with the first persons of the age. --Dryden.
2. Familiar or acquainted by use or study; well-informed; versed; -- generally used with with, sometimes with in.
Deeply conversant in the Platonic philosophy. --Dryden.
he uses the different dialects as one who had been conversant with them all. --Pope.
Conversant only with the ways of men. --Cowper.
3. Concerned; occupied.
Education . . . is conversant about children. --W. Wotton.
adj : (usually followed by `with') well informed about or knowing
thoroughly; "conversant with business trends";
"familiar with the complex machinery"; "he was familiar
with those roads" [syn: conversant(p), familiar(p)]