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1 definition found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 De·duce v. t. [imp. & p. p. Deduced p. pr. & vb. n. Deducing.]
 1. To lead forth. [A Latinism]
    He should hither deduce a colony.   --Selden.
 2. To take away; to deduct; to subtract; as, to deduce a part from the whole. [Obs.]
 3. To derive or draw; to derive by logical process; to obtain or arrive at as the result of reasoning; to gather, as a truth or opinion, from what precedes or from premises; to infer; -- with from or out of.
 O goddess, say, shall I deduce my rhymes
 From the dire nation in its early times?   --Pope.
    Reasoning is nothing but the faculty of deducing unknown truths from principles already known.   --Locke.
    See what regard will be paid to the pedigree which deduces your descent from kings and conquerors.   --Sir W. Scott.