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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 du·ty /ˈduti ||ˈdju-/

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 未運行的( 指設備 ); 未當班的( 指工作人員 )

From: Network Terminology

 工作 職責 負載

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Du·ty n.; pl. Duties
 1. That which is due; payment. [Obs. as signifying a material thing.]
    When thou receivest money for thy labor or ware, thou receivest thy duty.   --Tyndale.
 2. That which a person is bound by moral obligation to do, or refrain from doing; that which one ought to do; service morally obligatory.
    Forgetting his duty toward God, his sovereign lord, and his country.   --Hallam.
 3. Hence, any assigned service or business; as, the duties of a policeman, or a soldier; to be on duty.
    With records sweet of duties done.   --Keble.
    To employ him on the hardest and most imperative duty.   --Hallam.
    Duty is a graver term than obligation. A duty hardly exists to do trivial things; but there may be an obligation to do them.   --C. J. Smith.
 4. Specifically, obedience or submission due to parents and superiors.
 5. Respect; reverence; regard; act of respect; homage. “My duty to you.”
 6. Engin. The efficiency of an engine, especially a steam pumping engine, as measured by work done by a certain quantity of fuel; usually, the number of pounds of water lifted one foot by one bushel of coal (94 lbs. old standard), or by 1 cwt. (112 lbs., England, or 100 lbs., United States).
 7. Com. Tax, toll, impost, or customs; excise; any sum of money required by government to be paid on the importation, exportation, or consumption of goods.
 Note:An impost on land or other real estate, and on the stock of farmers, is not called a duty, but a direct tax. [U.S.]
 Ad valorem duty, a duty which is graded according to the cost, or market value, of the article taxed. See Ad valorem.
 Specific duty, a duty of a specific sum assessed on an article without reference to its value or market.
 On duty, actually engaged in the performance of one's assigned task.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal
           reasons; "the duties of the job"
      2: the social force that binds you to your obligations and the
         courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill
         a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a
         responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every
         possession, a duty"- John D.Rockefeller Jr [syn: responsibility,
      3: a government tax on imports or exports; "they signed a
         treaty to lower duties on trade between their countries"
         [syn: tariff]