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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 lead·er /ˈlidɚ/

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 帶頭, 前端

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Lead·er n.
 1. One who, or that which, leads or conducts; a guide; a conductor. Especially: (a) One who goes first. (b) One having authority to direct; a chief; a commander. (c) Mus. A performer who leads a band or choir in music; also, in an orchestra, the principal violinist; the one who plays at the head of the first violins. (d) Naut. A block of hard wood pierced with suitable holes for leading ropes in their proper places. (e) Mach. The principal wheel in any kind of machinery. [Obs. or R.] --G. Francis. (f) A horse placed in advance of others; one of the forward pair of horses.
    He forgot to pull in his leaders, and they gallop away with him at times.   --Hare.
 (g) A pipe for conducting rain water from a roof to a cistern or to the ground; a conductor. (h) Fishing A net for leading fish into a pound, weir, etc.; also, a line of gut, to which the snell of a fly hook is attached. (i) Mining A branch or small vein, not important in itself, but indicating the proximity of a better one.
 2. The first, or the principal, editorial article in a newspaper; a leading or main editorial article.
 3. Print. (a) A type having a dot or short row of dots upon its face. (b) pl. a row of dots, periods, or hyphens, used in tables of contents, etc., to lead the eye across a space to the right word or number.
 Syn: -- chief; chieftain; commander. See Chief.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a person who rules or guides or inspires others [ant: follower]
      2: a featured article of merchandise sold at a loss in order to
         draw customers [syn: drawing card, loss leader]