lon·gi·tu·di·nal /ˌlɑnʤəˈtudnəl, ˈtjud, ˈt(j)udṇəl, ||ˌlɑŋgə-/
lon·gi·tu·di·nal /ˌlɑnʤəˈt(j)udṇəl, nəl, , ˌlɑŋgəˈtjud-/ 形容詞
Lon·gi·tu·di·nal a.
1. Of or pertaining to longitude or length; as, longitudinal distance.
2. Extending in length; in the direction of the length; running lengthwise, as distinguished from transverse; as, the longitudinal diameter of a body.
Lon·gi·tu·di·nal, n. A railway sleeper lying parallel with the rail.
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adj 1: of or relating to lines of longitude; "longitudinal
reckoning by the navigator"
2: running lengthwise; "a thin longitudinal strip";
"longitudinal measurements of the hull"
3: over an extended time; "a longitudinal study of twins"