mar·gue·rite /ˌmɑrgəˈrit, gjə-/
Mar·gue·rite n. Bot. The daisy (Bellis perennis). The name is often applied also to the ox-eye daisy and to the China aster.
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n 1: tall leafy-stemmed Eurasian perennial with white flowers;
widely naturalized; often placed in genus Chrysanthemum
[syn: oxeye daisy, ox-eyed daisy, moon daisy, white
daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare, Chrysanthemum
2: perennial subshrub of the Canary Islands having usually pale
yellow daisylike flowers; often included in genus
Chrysanthemum [syn: marguerite daisy, Paris daisy, Chrysanthemum
frutescens, Argyranthemum frutescens]