Morse code /ˈmɔrs-/
Morse code Teleg. a telegraphic code, in which dots, dashes, and spaces represent letters, numbers, and other elements of text. The original code was invented by Samuel B. Morse. The code now mostly used is the International Morse code, also referred to simply as the Morse code.
Note: The present International Morse Code is given in the table below. There are no spaces in the International Morse Code.
A .- H .... O --- V ...-
B -... I .. P .--. W .--
C _._. J .--- Q --.- X -..-
D -.. K -.- R .-. Y -.--
E . L .-.. S ... Z --..
F ..-. M -- T -
G --. N -. U ..-
1 .---- 4 ....- 7 --...
2 ..--- 5 ..... 8 ---..
3 ...-- 6 -.... 9 ----.
0 -----
. (Period) .-.-.- , (Comma) --..--
? (Question Mark) ..--.. ; (Semicolon) -.-.-.
: (Colon) ---... ' (apostrophe) .----.
- (hyphen) -....- / (forward slash) -..-.
( (left parenthesis) -.--. ) (right parenthesis) -.--.-
A .- H .... O . . V ...-
B - . . . I .. P ..... W .--
C .. . J -.-. Q ..-. X .-..
D -.. K -.- R . .. Y .. ..
E . L — S ... Z ... .
F .-. M -- T -- & . ...
G --. N -. U ..-
1 .--. 4 . . . .- 7 --..
2 ..-.. 5 --- 8 - . . . .
3 . . . -. 6 . . . . . . 9 -..-
0 ---- Period ..--.. Comma .-.-
Morse code
n : a telegraph code in which letters and numbers are
represented by strings of dots and dashes (short and long
signals) [syn: Morse, international Morse code]