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2 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 on the strength of

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Strength n.
 1. The quality or state of being strong; ability to do or to bear; capacity for exertion or endurance, whether physical, intellectual, or moral; force; vigor; power; as, strength of body or of the arm; strength of mind, of memory, or of judgment.
    All his [Samson's] strength in his hairs were.   --Chaucer.
 Thou must outlive
 Thy youth, thy strength, thy beauty.   --Milton.
 2. Power to resist force; solidity or toughness; the quality of bodies by which they endure the application of force without breaking or yielding; -- in this sense opposed to frangibility; as, the strength of a bone, of a beam, of a wall, a rope, and the like. “The brittle strength of bones.”
 3. Power of resisting attacks; impregnability. “Our castle's strength will laugh a siege to scorn.”
 4. That quality which tends to secure results; effective power in an institution or enactment; security; validity; legal or moral force; logical conclusiveness; as, the strength of social or legal obligations; the strength of law; the strength of public opinion; strength of evidence; strength of argument.
 5. One who, or that which, is regarded as embodying or affording force, strength, or firmness; that on which confidence or reliance is based; support; security.
    God is our refuge and strength.   --Ps. xlvi. 1.
    What they boded would be a mischief to us, you are providing shall be one of our principal strengths.   --Sprat.
    Certainly there is not a greater strength against temptation.   --Jer. Taylor.
 6. Force as measured; amount, numbers, or power of any body, as of an army, a navy, and the like; as, what is the strength of the enemy by land, or by sea?
 7. Vigor or style; force of expression; nervous diction; -- said of literary work.
 And praise the easy vigor of a life
 Where Denham's strength and Waller's sweetness join.   --Pope.
 8. Intensity; -- said of light or color.
    Bright Phoebus in his strength.   --Shak.
 9. Intensity or degree of the distinguishing and essential element; spirit; virtue; excellence; -- said of liquors, solutions, etc.; as, the strength of wine or of acids.
 10. A strong place; a stronghold. [Obs.]
 On the strength of, or Upon the strength of, in reliance upon. “The allies, after a successful summer, are too apt, upon the strength of it, to neglect their preparations for the ensuing campaign.” --Addison.
 Syn: -- Force; robustness; toughness; hardness; stoutness; brawniness; lustiness; firmness; puissance; support; spirit; validity; authority. See Force.