uri·nary /ˈjʊrəˌnɛri/
uri·nary /ˈjʊrəˌnɛrɪ/ 形容詞
U·ri·na·ry a.
1. Of or pertaining to the urine; as, the urinary bladder; urinary excretions.
2. Resembling, or being of the nature of, urine.
Urinary calculus Med., a concretion composed of some one or more crystalline constituents of the urine, liable to be found in any portion of the urinary passages or in the pelvis of the kidney.
Urinary pigments, Physiol. Chem., certain colored substances, urochrome, or urobilin, uroerythrin, etc., present in the urine together with indican, a colorless substance which by oxidation is convertible into colored bodies.
U·ri·na·ry, n. A urinarium; also, a urinal.
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adj 1: of or relating to the function or production or secretion of
2: of or relating to the urinary system of the body