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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Spring v. t.
 1. To cause to spring up; to start or rouse, as game; to cause to rise from the earth, or from a covert; as, to spring a pheasant.
 2. To produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly; as, to spring a surprise on someone; to spring a joke.
    She starts, and leaves her bed, and springs a light.   --Dryden.
    The friends to the cause sprang a new project.   --Swift.
 3. To cause to explode; as, to spring a mine.
 4. To crack or split; to bend or strain so as to weaken; as, to spring a mast or a yard.
 5. To cause to close suddenly, as the parts of a trap operated by a spring; as, to spring a trap.
 6. To bend by force, as something stiff or strong; to force or put by bending, as a beam into its sockets, and allowing it to straighten when in place; -- often with in, out, etc.; as, to spring in a slat or a bar.
 7. To pass over by leaping; as, to spring a fence.
 To spring a butt Naut., to loosen the end of a plank in a ship's bottom.
 To spring a leak Naut., to begin to leak.
 To spring an arch Arch., to build an arch; -- a common term among masons; as, to spring an arch over a lintel.
 To spring a rattle, to cause a rattle to sound. See Watchman's rattle, under Watchman.
 To spring the luff Naut., to ease the helm, and sail nearer to the wind than before; -- said of a vessel. --Mar. Dict.
 To spring a mast or To spring a spar Naut., to strain it so that it is unserviceable.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Watch·man n.; pl. Watchmen
 1. One set to watch; a person who keeps guard; a guard; a sentinel.
 2. Specifically, one who guards a building, or the streets of a city, by night.
 Watchman beetle Zool., the European dor.
 Watchman's clock, a watchman's detector in which the apparatus for recording the times of visiting several stations is contained within a single clock.
 Watchman's detector, or Watchman's time detector, an apparatus for recording the time when a watchman visits a station on his rounds.
 Watchman's rattle, an instrument having at the end of a handle a revolving arm, which, by the action of a strong spring upon cogs, produces, when in motion, a loud, harsh, rattling sound.