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3 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 achromatic lens 名詞

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ach·ro·mat·ic a.
 1. Opt. Free from color; transmitting light without decomposing it into its primary colors.
 2. Biol. Uncolored; not absorbing color from a fluid; -- said of tissue.
 Achromatic lens Opt., a lens composed usually of two separate lenses, a convex and concave, of substances having different refractive and dispersive powers, as crown and flint glass, with the curvatures so adjusted that the chromatic aberration produced by the one is corrected by other, and light emerges from the compound lens undecomposed.
 Achromatic prism. See Prism.
 Achromatic telescope, or microscope, one in which the chromatic aberration is corrected, usually by means of a compound or achromatic object glass, and which gives images free from extraneous color.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

 achromatic lens
      n : a compound lens system that forms an image free from
          chromatic aberration