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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 ce·dar wax·wing, n. Zool. a species of chatterer (Bombycilla cedrorum, formerly Ampelis cedrorum) widely distributed over temperate North America, so named from its frequenting cedar trees; -- called also cedar bird, cherry bird, Canada robin, and American waxwing.  It is a brownish bird about 7 inches long, between the size of a robin and a sparrow, has a crest on the head, a black face mask, and a yellow-tipped tail.  The name comes from the black color of the tips of the wings, like that of a black sealing wax.  They sometimes are seen in flocks.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Chat·ter·er n.
 1. A prater; an idle talker.
 2. Zool. A bird of the family Ampelidæ -- so called from its monotonous note.  The Bohemion chatterer (Ampelis garrulus) inhabits the arctic regions of both continents. In America the cedar bird is a more common species. See Bohemian chatterer, and Cedar bird.