glob·u·lar /ˈglɑbjəlɚ/
glob·u·lar /ˈglɑbjəlɚ/ 形容詞
Glob·u·lar a. Globe-shaped; having the form of a ball or sphere; spherical, or nearly so; as, globular atoms.
Globular chart, a chart of the earth's surface constructed on the principles of the globular projection.
Globular projection Map Projection, a perspective projection of the surface of a hemisphere upon a plane parallel to the base of the hemisphere, the point of sight being taken in the axis produced beyond the surface of the opposite hemisphere a distance equal to the radius of the sphere into the sine of 45°.
Globular sailing, sailing on the arc of a great circle, or so as to make the shortest distance between two places; circular sailing.
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adj : having the shape of a sphere or ball; "a spherical object";
"nearly orbicular in shape"; "little globular houses
like mud-wasp nests"- Zane Grey [syn: ball-shaped, global,
globose, orbicular, spheric, spherical]