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6 definitions found

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
 scent gland

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
 see: 秋の扇
 fan in autumn (esp. one that is no longer used)
 outdated item that has fallen into disuse
 woman who has lost a man's affection or interest

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
 cicadas that sing when autumn comes

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
 noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
 good offices
 (Tokugawa-era) employment office

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 noun (common) (futsuumeishi)

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
 end of war
 cessation of hostilities