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3 definitions found

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 indicates supposition
 if ... then
 [usu. ったら]
 (typically after someone's name) indicates exasperation

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
 see: 多羅樹
 see: 多羅葉
 lusterleaf holly
 patra (silver incense dish placed in front of a Buddhist statue)

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
 gadid (any fish of the family Gadidae, inc. cod, haddock, whiting and pollack)
 see: 真鱈まだら
 Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus)