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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 fan·cy /ˈfæn(t)si/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Fan·cy n.; pl. Fancies
 1. The faculty by which the mind forms an image or a representation of anything perceived before; the power of combining and modifying such objects into new pictures or images; the power of readily and happily creating and recalling such objects for the purpose of amusement, wit, or embellishment; imagination.
 In the soul
 Are many lesser faculties, that serve
 Reason as chief. Among these fancy next
 Her office holds.   --Milton.
 2. An image or representation of anything formed in the mind; conception; thought; idea; conceit.
 How now, my lord ! why do you keep alone,
 Of sorriest fancies your companoins making ?   --Shak.
 3. An opinion or notion formed without much reflection; caprice; whim; impression.
    I have always had a fancy that learning might be made a play and recreation to children.   --Locke.
 4. Inclination; liking, formed by caprice rather than reason; as, to strike one's fancy; hence, the object of inclination or liking.
    To fit your fancies to your father's will.   --Shak.
 5. That which pleases or entertains the taste or caprice without much use or value.
    London pride is a pretty fancy for borders.   --Mortimer.
 6. A sort of love song or light impromptu ballad. [Obs.]
 The fancy, all of a class who exhibit and cultivate any peculiar taste or fancy; hence, especially, sporting characters taken collectively, or any specific class of them, as jockeys, gamblers, prize fighters, etc.
    At a great book sale in London, which had congregated all the fancy.   --De Quincey.
 Syn: -- Imagination; conceit; taste; humor; inclination; whim; liking. See Imagination.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Fan·cy, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Fancied p. pr. & vb. n. Fancying ]
 1. To figure to one's self; to believe or imagine something without proof.
    If our search has reached no farther than simile and metaphor, we rather fancy than know.   --Locke.
 2. To love. [Obs.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Fan·cy, v. t.
 1. To form a conception of; to portray in the mind; to imagine.
    He whom I fancy, but can ne'er express.   --Dryden.
 2. To have a fancy for; to like; to be pleased with, particularly on account of external appearance or manners. “We fancy not the cardinal.”
 3. To believe without sufficient evidence; to imagine (something which is unreal).
    He fancied he was welcome, because those arounde him were his kinsmen.   --Thackeray.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Fan·cy, a.
 1. Adapted to please the fancy or taste, especially when of high quality or unusually appealing; ornamental; as, fancy goods; fancy clothes.
 2. Extravagant; above real value.
    This anxiety never degenerated into a monomania, like that which led his [Frederick the Great's] father to pay fancy prices for giants.   --Macaulay.
 Fancy ball, a ball in which porsons appear in fanciful dresses in imitation of the costumes of different persons and nations.
 Fancy fair, a fair at which articles of fancy and ornament are sold, generally for some charitable purpose.
 Fancy goods, fabrics of various colors, patterns, etc., as ribbons, silks, laces, etc., in distinction from those of a simple or plain color or make.
 Fancy line Naut., a line rove through a block at the jaws of a gaff; -- used to haul it down.
 Fancy roller Carding Machine, a clothed cylinder (usually having straight teeth) in front of the doffer.
 Fancy stocks, a species of stocks which afford great opportunity for stock gambling, since they have no intrinsic value, and the fluctuations in their prices are artificial.
 Fancy store, one where articles of fancy and ornament are sold.
 Fancy woods, the more rare and expensive furniture woods, as mahogany, satinwood, rosewood, etc.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj : not plain; decorative or ornamented; "fancy handwriting";
            "fancy clothes" [ant: plain]
      n 1: something many people believe that is false; "they have the
           illusion that I am very wealthy" [syn: illusion, fantasy,
      2: fancy was held by Coleridge to be more casual and
         superficial than imagination
      3: a predisposition to like something; "he had a fondness for
         whiskey" [syn: fondness, partiality]
      v 1: imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind; "I can't see him on
           horseback!"; "I can see what will happen"; "I can see a
           risk in this strategy" [syn: visualize, visualise, envision,
            project, see, figure, picture, image]
      2: have a fancy or particular liking or desire for; "She
         fancied a necklace that she had seen in the jeweler's
         window" [syn: go for, take to]
      [also: fancied, fanciest, fancier]