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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Peak n.
 1. A point; the sharp end or top of anything that terminates in a point; as, the peak, or front, of a cap. “Run your beard into a peak.”
 2. The top, or one of the tops, of a hill, mountain, or range, ending in a point; often, the whole hill or mountain, esp. when isolated; as, the Peak of Teneriffe.
    Silent upon a peak in Darien.   --Keats.
 3. Naut. (a) The upper aftermost corner of a fore-and-aft sail; -- used in many combinations; as, peak-halyards, peak-brails, etc. (b) The narrow part of a vessel's bow, or the hold within it. (c) The extremity of an anchor fluke; the bill. [In the last sense written also pea and pee.]
 Fore peak. Naut. See under Fore.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Fore a.  Advanced, as compared with something else; toward the front; being or coming first, in time, place, order, or importance; preceding; anterior; antecedent; earlier; forward; -- opposed to back or behind; as, the fore part of a garment; the fore part of the day; the fore and of a wagon.
    The free will of the subject is preserved, while it is directed by the fore purpose of the state.   --Southey.
 Note:Fore is much used adjectively or in composition.
 Fore bay, a reservoir or canal between a mill race and a water wheel; the discharging end of a pond or mill race.
 Fore body Shipbuilding, the part of a ship forward of the largest cross-section, distinguished from middle body and after body.
 Fore boot, a receptacle in the front of a vehicle, for stowing baggage, etc.
 Fore bow, the pommel of a saddle. --Knight.
 Fore cabin, a cabin in the fore part of a ship, usually with inferior accommodations.
 Fore carriage. (a) The forward part of the running gear of a four-wheeled vehicle. (b) A small carriage at the front end of a plow beam.
 Fore course Naut., the lowermost sail on the foremost of a square-rigged vessel; the foresail. See Illust. under Sail.
 Fore door. Same as Front door.
 Fore edge, the front edge of a book or folded sheet, etc.
 Fore elder, an ancestor. [Prov. Eng.]
 Fore end. (a) The end which precedes; the earlier, or the nearer, part; the beginning.
 I have . . . paid
 More pious debts to heaven, than in all
 The fore end of my time.   --Shak.
 (b) In firearms, the wooden stock under the barrel, forward of the trigger guard, or breech frame.
 Fore girth, a girth for the fore part (of a horse, etc.); a martingale.
 Fore hammer, a sledge hammer, working alternately, or in time, with the hand hammer.
 Fore leg, one of the front legs of a quadruped, or multiped, or of a chair, settee, etc.
 Fore peak Naut., the angle within a ship's bows; the portion of the hold which is farthest forward.
 Fore piece, a front piece, as the flap in the fore part of a sidesaddle, to guard the rider's dress.
 Fore plane, a carpenter's plane, in size and use between a jack plane and a smoothing plane. --Knight.
 Fore reading, previous perusal. [Obs.] --Hales.
 Fore rent, in Scotland, rent payable before a crop is gathered.
 Fore sheets Naut., the forward portion of a rowboat; the space beyond the front thwart. See Stern sheets.
 Fore shore. (a) A bank in advance of a sea wall, to break the force of the surf. (b) The seaward projecting, slightly inclined portion of a breakwater. --Knight. (c) The part of the shore between high and low water marks.
 Fore sight, that one of the two sights of a gun which is near the muzzle.
 Fore tackle Naut., the tackle on the foremast of a ship.
 Fore topmast. Naut. See Fore-topmast, in the Vocabulary.
 Fore wind, a favorable wind. [Obs.]
    Sailed on smooth seas, by fore winds borne.   --Sandys.
 Fore world, the antediluvian world. [R.] --Southey.