god·fa·ther /ˈgɑdˌfɑðɚ/
God·fa·ther n. A man who becomes sponsor for a child at baptism, and makes himself a surety for its Christian training and instruction. Correlative of godmother.
There shall be for every Male-child to be baptized, when they can be had, two Godfathers and one Godmother; and for every Female, one Godfather and two Godmothers; and Parents shall be admitted as Sponsors, if it is desired. --Book of Common Prayer (Prot. Episc. Ch., U. S. ).
God·fa·ther, v. t. To act as godfather to; to take under one's fostering care. [R.]
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n 1: any man who serves as a sponsor for a child at baptism
2: someone having a relation analogous to that of a male
sponsor to his godchild