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11 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 hook /ˈhʊk/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 hook /ˈhʊk/ 名詞

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 接聽; 工作中; 摘機

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 掛斷; 非工作中; "掛機"

From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Hook n.
 1. A piece of metal, or other hard material, formed or bent into a curve or at an angle, for catching, holding, or sustaining anything; as, a hook for catching fish; a hook for fastening a gate; a boat hook, etc.
 2. That part of a hinge which is fixed to a post, and on which a door or gate hangs and turns.
 3. An implement for cutting grass or grain; a sickle; an instrument for cutting or lopping; a billhook.
    Like slashing Bentley with his desperate hook.   --Pope.
 4. Steam Engin. See Eccentric, and V-hook.
 5. A snare; a trap. [R.]
 6. A field sown two years in succession. [Prov. Eng.]
 7. pl. The projecting points of the thigh bones of cattle; -- called also hook bones.
 8. Geog. A spit or narrow cape of sand or gravel turned landward at the outer end; as, Sandy Hook in New Jersey.
 By hook or by crook, one way or other; by any means, direct or indirect. --Milton. “In hope her to attain by hook or crook.” --Spenser.
 Off the hook, freed from some obligation or difficulty; as, to get off the hook by getting someone else to do the job. [Colloq.]
 Off the hooks, unhinged; disturbed; disordered. [Colloq.] “In the evening, by water, to the Duke of Albemarle, whom I found mightly off the hooks that the ships are not gone out of the river.” --Pepys.
 On one's own hook, on one's own account or responsibility; by one's self. [Colloq. U.S.] --Bartlett.
 To go off the hooks, to die. [Colloq.] --Thackeray.
 Bid hook, a small boat hook.
 Chain hook. See under Chain.
 Deck hook, a horizontal knee or frame, in the bow of a ship, on which the forward part of the deck rests.
 Hook and eye, one of the small wire hooks and loops for fastening together the opposite edges of a garment, etc.
 Hook bill Zool., the strongly curved beak of a bird.
 Hook ladder, a ladder with hooks at the end by which it can be suspended, as from the top of a wall.
 Hook motion Steam Engin., a valve gear which is reversed by V hooks.
 Hook squid, any squid which has the arms furnished with hooks, instead of suckers, as in the genera Enoploteuthis and Onychteuthis.
 Hook wrench, a wrench or spanner, having a hook at the end, instead of a jaw, for turning a bolthead, nut, or coupling.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Hook, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hooked p. pr. & vb. n. Hooking.]
 1. To catch or fasten with a hook or hooks; to seize, capture, or hold, as with a hook, esp. with a disguised or baited hook; hence, to secure by allurement or artifice; to entrap; to catch; as, to hook a dress; to hook a trout.
    Hook him, my poor dear, . . . at any sacrifice.   --W. Collins.
 2. To seize or pierce with the points of the horns, as cattle in attacking enemies; to gore.
 3. To steal. [Colloq. Eng. & U.S.]
 To hook on, to fasten or attach by, or as by, hook.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Hook v. i.
 1. To bend; to curve as a hook.
 2. To move or go with a sudden turn; hence [Slang or Prov. Eng.], to make off; to clear out; -- often with it. “Duncan was wounded, and the escort hooked it.”

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a catch for locking a door
      2: a sharp curve or crook; a shape resembling a hook [syn: crotchet]
      3: anything that serves as an enticement [syn: bait, come-on,
          lure, sweetener]
      4: a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or
         hold or pull something [syn: claw]
      5: a curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling
      6: a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed
         golfer; "he tooks lessons to cure his hooking" [syn: draw,
      7: a short swinging punch delivered from the side with the
         elbow bent
      8: a basketball shot made over the head with the hand that is
         farther from the basket [syn: hook shot]
      v 1: fasten with a hook [ant: unhook]
      2: rip off; ask an unreasonable price [syn: overcharge, soak,
          surcharge, gazump, fleece, plume, pluck, rob]
         [ant: undercharge]
      3: make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping
         thread with a hooked needle; "She sat there crocheting all
         day" [syn: crochet]
      4: hit a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels to the
      5: take by theft; "Someone snitched my wallet!" [syn: snitch,
          thieve, cop, knock off, glom]
      6: make off with belongings of others [syn: pilfer, cabbage,
          purloin, pinch, abstract, snarf, swipe, sneak,
          filch, nobble, lift]
      7: hit with a hook; "His opponent hooked him badly"
      8: catch with a hook; "hook a fish"
      9: to cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on
         something, especially a narcotic drug) [syn: addict]
      10: secure with the foot; "hook the ball"
      11: entice and trap; "The car salesman had snared three
          potential customers" [syn: snare]
      12: approach with an offer of sexual favors; "he was solicited
          by a prostitute"; "The young man was caught soliciting in
          the park" [syn: solicit, accost]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    (1.) Heb. hah, a "ring" inserted in the nostrils of animals to
    which a cord was fastened for the purpose of restraining them (2
    Kings 19:28; Isa. 37:28, 29; Ezek. 29:4; 38:4). "The Orientals
    make use of this contrivance for curbing their
    work-beasts...When a beast becomes unruly they have only to draw
    the cord on one side, which, by stopping his breath, punishes
    him so effectually that after a few repetitions he fails not to
    become quite tractable whenever he begins to feel it"
    (Michaelis). So God's agents are never beyond his control.
      (2.) Hakkah, a fish "hook" (Job 41:2, Heb. Text, 40:25; Isa.
    19:8; Hab. 1:15).
      (3.) Vav, a "peg" on which the curtains of the tabernacle were
    hung (Ex. 26:32).
      (4.) Tsinnah, a fish-hooks (Amos 4:2).
      (5.) Mazleg, flesh-hooks (1 Sam. 2:13, 14), a kind of fork
    with three teeth for turning the sacrifices on the fire, etc.
      (6.) Mazmeroth, pruning-hooks (Isa. 2:4; Joel 3:10).
      (7.) 'Agmon (Job 41:2, Heb. Text 40:26), incorrectly rendered
    in the Authorized Version. Properly a rush-rope for binding
    animals, as in Revised Version margin.