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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Je·ru·sa·lem n.  The chief city of Palestine, intimately associated with the glory of the Jewish nation, and the life and death of Jesus Christ.
 Jerusalem artichoke [Perh. a corrupt. of It. girasole i.e., sunflower, or turnsole. See Gyre, Solar.] Bot. (a) An American plant, a perennial species of sunflower (Helianthus tuberosus), whose tubers are sometimes used as food. (b) One of the tubers themselves.
 Jerusalem cherry Bot., the popular name of either of two species of Solanum (Solanum Pseudo-capsicum and Solanum capsicastrum), cultivated as ornamental house plants. They bear bright red berries of about the size of cherries.
 Jerusalem oak Bot., an aromatic goosefoot (Chenopodium Botrys), common about houses and along roadsides.
 Jerusalem sage Bot., a perennial herb of the Mint family (Phlomis tuberosa).
 Jerusalem thorn Bot., a spiny, leguminous tree (Parkinsonia aculeata), widely dispersed in warm countries, and used for hedges.
 The New Jerusalem, Heaven; the Celestial City.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

 Jerusalem thorn
      n 1: thorny Eurasian shrub with dry woody winged fruit [syn: Christ's-thorn,
            Paliurus spina-christi]
      2: spiny tree having dark red edible fruits [syn: jujube, jujube
         bush, Christ's-thorn, Ziziphus jujuba]
      3: large shrub or shrubby tree having sharp spines and pinnate
         leaves with small deciduous leaflets and sweet-scented
         racemose yellow-orange flowers; grown as ornamentals or
         hedging or emergency food for livestock; tropical America
         but naturalized in southern United States [syn: horsebean,
          Parkinsonia aculeata]
      4: East Indian spiny tree having twice-pinnate leaves and
         yellow flowers followed by flat pods; source of black
         catechu [syn: catechu, Acacia catechu]