ju·jube /ˈʤuˌʤub, ||ˈʤuʤʊˌbi/
ju·jube =/ˈʤuˌʤub, <ɪ>ɛsp for 2 ˈʤuʤʊˌbɪ/= 名詞
Ju·jube n.
1. The sweet and edible drupes (fruits) of several Mediterranean and African species of small trees, of the genus Zizyphus, especially the Zizyphus jujuba, Zizyphus vulgaris, Zizyphus mucronata, and Zizyphus Lotus. The last named is thought to have furnished the lotus of the ancient Libyan Lotophagi, or lotus eaters.
2. A chewy gelatinous lozenge made of or in imitation of, or flavored with, the jujube fruit.
Jujube paste, the dried or inspissated jelly of the jujube; also, a confection made of gum arabic sweetened.
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n 1: spiny tree having dark red edible fruits [syn: jujube bush,
Christ's-thorn, Jerusalem thorn, Ziziphus jujuba]
2: dark red plum-like fruit of Old World buckthorn trees [syn:
Chinese date, Chinese jujube]
3: chewy fruit-flavored jellied candy (sometimes medicated to
soothe a sore throat)