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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 of·fice /ˈɑfəs, ˈɔ-/

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 辦公室; 局; 站; 辦事處; 事務( 工作 ) OFF

From: Network Terminology

 辦公室 局 處 室

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Of·fice v. t. To perform, as the duties of an office; to discharge. [Obs.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Of·fice n.
 1. That which a person does, either voluntarily or by appointment, for, or with reference to, others; customary duty, or a duty that arises from the relations of man to man; as, kind offices, pious offices.
    I would I could do a good office between you.   --Shak.
 2. A special duty, trust, charge, or position, conferred by authority and for a public purpose; a position of trust or authority; as, an executive or judical office; a municipal office.
 3. A charge or trust, of a sacred nature, conferred by God himself; as, the office of a priest under the old dispensation, and that of the apostles in the new.
    Inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office.   --Rom. xi. 13.
 4. That which is performed, intended, or assigned to be done, by a particular thing, or that which anything is fitted to perform; a function; -- answering to duty in intelligent beings.
    They [the eyes] resign their office and their light.   --Shak.
 Hesperus, whose office is to bring
 Twilight upon the earth.   --Milton.
    In this experiment the several intervals of the teeth of the comb do the office of so many prisms.   --Sir I. Newton.
 5. The place where any kind of business or service for others is transacted; a building, suite of rooms, or room in which public officers or workers in any organization transact business; as, the register's office; a lawyer's office; the doctor's  office; the Mayor's office.
 6. The company or corporation, or persons collectively, whose place of business is in an office; as, I have notified the office.
 7. pl. The apartments or outhouses in which the domestics discharge the duties attached to the service of a house, as kitchens, pantries, stables, etc. [Eng.]
    As for the offices, let them stand at distance.   --Bacon.
 8. Eccl. Any service other than that of ordination and the Mass; any prescribed religious service.
    This morning was read in the church, after the office was done, the declaration setting forth the late conspiracy against the king's person.   --Evelyn.
 Holy office. Same as Inquisition, n., 3.
 Houses of office. Same as def. 7 above. --Chaucer.
 Little office R. C. Ch., an office recited in honor of the Virgin Mary.
 Office bearer, an officer; one who has a specific office or duty to perform.
 Office copy Law, an authenticated or certified copy of a record, from the proper office. See Certified copies, under Copy. --Abbott.
 Office-found Law, the finding of an inquest of office. See under Inquest.
 Office holder. See Officeholder in the Vocabulary
 Office hours. the hours of the day during which business is transacted at an office5.
 Office seeker. a person who is attempting to get elected to an elected office, or to get an appointment to an appointive public office.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: place of business where professional or clerical duties are
           performed; "he rented an office in the new building"
           [syn: business office]
      2: an administrative unit of government; "the Central
         Intelligence Agency"; "the Census Bureau"; "Office of
         Management and Budget"; "Tennessee Valley Authority" [syn:
          agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau,
      3: the actions and activities assigned to or required or
         expected of a person or group; "the function of a
         teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its
         role" [syn: function, part, role]
      4: (of a government or government official) holding an office
         means being in power; "being in office already gives a
         candidate a great advantage"; "during his first year in
         office"; "during his first year in power"; "the power of
         the president" [syn: power]
      5: professional or clerical workers in an office; "the whole
         office was late the morning of the blizzard" [syn: office
      6: a religious rite or service prescribed by ecclesiastical
         authorities; "the offices of the mass"
      7: a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the
         treasury" [syn: position, post, berth, spot, billet,
          place, situation]