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9 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 pack /ˈpæk/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 pack /ˈpæk/ 名詞

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 包裝;磁碟組;壓縮;縮緊;縮整;聚集;包裹;組裝;封裝 PK

From: Network Terminology

 包 組 裝配

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pack, v. i.
 1. To make up packs, bales, or bundles; to stow articles securely for transportation.
 2. To admit of stowage, or of making up for transportation or storage; to become compressed or to settle together, so as to form a compact mass; as, the goods pack conveniently; wet snow packs well.
 3. To gather in flocks or schools; as, the grouse or the perch begin to pack. [Eng.]
 4. To depart in haste; -- generally with off or away.
    Poor Stella must pack off to town   --Swift.
 You shall pack,
 And never more darken my doors again.   --Tennyson.
 5. To unite in bad measures; to confederate for ill purposes; to join in collusion. [Obs.] “Go pack with him.”
 To send packing, to drive away; to send off roughly or in disgrace; to dismiss unceremoniously.  “The parliament . . . presently sent him packing.”

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pack n.  A pact. [Obs.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pack, n.
 1. A bundle made up and prepared to be carried; especially, a bundle to be carried on the back; a load for an animal; a bale, as of goods.
 2.  A number or quantity equal to the contents of a pack; hence, a multitude; a burden. “A pack of sorrows.” “A pack of blessings.”
 Note:“In England, by a pack of meal is meant 280 lbs.; of wool, 240 lbs.”
 3. A group or quantity of connected or similar things; as, a pack of lies; specifically: (a) A full set of playing cards; a deck; also, the assortment used in a particular game; as, a euchre pack. (b) A number of wolves, hounds or dogs, hunting or kept together; as, a wolf pack. (c) A number of persons associated or leagued in a bad design or practice; a gang; as, a pack of thieves or knaves. (d) A shook of cask staves. (e) A bundle of sheet-iron plates for rolling simultaneously.
 4. A large area of floating pieces of ice driven together more or less closely.
 5. An envelope, or wrapping, of sheets used in hydropathic practice, called dry pack, wet pack, cold pack, etc., according to the method of treatment.
 6.  A loose, lewd, or worthless person. See Baggage. [Obs.]
 7. Med. In hydropathic practice, a wrapping of blankets or sheets called dry pack, wet pack, cold pack, etc., according to the condition of the blankets or sheets used, put about a patient to give him treatment; also, the fact or condition of being so treated.
 8.  Rugby Football The forwards who compose one half of the scrummage; also, the scrummage.
 Pack animal, an animal, as a horse, mule, etc., employed in carrying packs.
 Pack and prime road or  Pack and prime way, a pack road or bridle way.
 Pack cloth, a coarse cloth, often duck, used in covering packs or bales.
 Pack horse. See Pack animal (above).
 Pack ice. See def. 4, above.
 Pack moth Zool., a small moth (Anacampsis sarcitella) which, in the larval state, is very destructive to wool and woolen fabrics.
 Pack needle, a needle for sewing with pack thread. --Piers Plowman.
 Pack saddle, a saddle made for supporting the load on a pack animal. --Shak.
 Pack staff, a staff for supporting a pack; a peddler's staff.
 Pack train Mil., a troop of pack animals.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pack v. t. [imp. & p. p. Packed p. pr. & vb. n. Packing.]
 1. To make a pack of; to arrange closely and securely in a pack; hence, to place and arrange compactly as in a pack; to press into close order or narrow compass; as, to pack goods in a box; to pack fish.
    Strange materials packed up with wonderful art.   --Addison.
 Where . . . the bones
 Of all my buried ancestors are packed.   --Shak.
 2. To fill in the manner of a pack, that is, compactly and securely, as for transportation; hence, to fill closely or to repletion; to stow away within; to cause to be full; to crowd into; as, to pack a trunk; the play, or the audience, packs the theater.
 3. To shuffle, sort and arrange (the cards) in a pack so as to secure the game unfairly; to stack3 (the deck).
    And mighty dukes pack cards for half a crown.   --Pope.
 4. Hence: To bring together or make up unfairly and fraudulently, in order to secure a certain result; to stack3; as, to pack a jury or a caucus.
    The expected council was dwindling into . . . a packed assembly of Italian bishops.   --Atterbury.
 5. To contrive unfairly or fraudulently; to plot. [Obs.]
    He lost life . . . upon a nice point subtilely devised and packed by his enemies.   --Fuller.
 6. To load with a pack; hence, to load; to encumber; as, to pack a horse.
    Our thighs packed with wax, our mouths with honey.   --Shack.
 7. To cause to go; to send away with baggage or belongings; esp., to send away peremptorily or suddenly; to send packing; -- sometimes with off; as, to pack a boy off to school.
 He . . . must not die
 Till George be packed with post horse up to heaven.   --Shak.
 8. To transport in a pack, or in the manner of a pack (i. e., on the backs of men or beasts). [Western U.S.]
 9. Hydropathy To envelop in a wet or dry sheet, within numerous coverings. See Pack, n., 5.
 10. Mech. To render impervious, as by filling or surrounding with suitable material, or to fit or adjust so as to move without giving passage to air, water, or steam; as, to pack a joint; to pack the piston of a steam engine.
 11. To cover, envelop, or protect tightly with something; specif. Hydropathy, to envelop in a wet or dry sheet, within numerous coverings.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a large indefinite number; "a battalion of ants"; "a
           multitude of TV antennas"; "a plurality of religions"
           [syn: battalion, large number, multitude, plurality]
      2: a complete collection of similar things
      3: a small parcel (as of cigarettes or film)
      4: an association of criminals; "police tried to break up the
         gang"; "a pack of thieves" [syn: gang, ring, mob]
      5: an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose [syn: clique,
          coterie, ingroup, inner circle, camp]
      6: a group of hunting animals
      7: a cream that cleanses and tones the skin [syn: face pack]
      8: a sheet or blanket (either dry or wet) to wrap around the
         body for its therapeutic effect
      9: a bundle (especially one carried on the back)
      v 1: arrange in a container; "pack the books into the boxes"
           [ant: unpack]
      2: fill to capacity; "This singer always packs the concert
         halls"; "They murder trial packed the court house"
      3: compress into a wad; "wad paper into the box" [syn: bundle,
          wad, compact]
      4: carry, as on one's back; "Pack your tents to the top of the
      5: set up a committee or legislative body with one's own
         supporters so as to influence the outcome; "pack a jury"
      6: have with oneself; have on one's person; "She always takes
         an umbrella"; "I always carry money"; "She packs a gun
         when she goes into the mountains" [syn: carry, take]
      7: press tightly together or cram; "The crowd packed the
         auditorium" [syn: throng, mob, pile, jam]
      8: hike with a backpack; "Every summer they are backpacking in
         the Rockies" [syn: backpack]
      9: press down tightly; "tamp the coffee grinds in the container
         to make espresso" [syn: tamp down, tamp]
      10: seal with packing; "pack the faucet"
      11: have the property of being packable or compactable or of
          compacting easily; "This powder compacts easily"; "Such
          odd-shaped items do not pack well" [syn: compact]
      12: load with a pack [syn: load down]
      13: treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with
          blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or
          stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or
          to absorb blood; "The nurse packed gauze in the wound";
          "You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice"