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1 definition found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Press, n.
 1. An apparatus or machine by which any substance or body is pressed, squeezed, stamped, or shaped, or by which an impression of a body is taken; sometimes, the place or building containing a press or presses.
 Note:Presses are differently constructed for various purposes in the arts, their specific uses being commonly designated; as, a cotton press, a wine press, a cider press, a copying press, etc. See Drill press.
 2. Specifically, a printing press.
 3. The art or business of printing and publishing; hence, printed publications, taken collectively, more especially newspapers or the persons employed in writing for them; as, a free press is a blessing, a licentious press is a curse.
 4. An upright case or closet for the safe keeping of articles; as, a clothes press.
 5. The act of pressing or thronging forward.
    In their throng and press to that last hold.   --Shak.
 6. Urgent demands of business or affairs; urgency; as, a press of engagements.
 7. A multitude of individuals crowded together; ░ crowd of single things; a throng.
    They could not come nigh unto him for the press.   --Mark ii. 4.
 Cylinder press, a printing press in which the impression is produced by a revolving cylinder under which the form passes; also, one in which the form of type or plates is curved around a cylinder, instead of resting on a flat bed.
 Hydrostatic press. See under Hydrostatic.
 Liberty of the press, the free right of publishing books, pamphlets, or papers, without previous restraint or censorship, subject only to punishment for libelous, seditious, or morally pernicious matters.
 Press bed, a bed that may be folded, and inclosed, in a press or closet. --Boswell.
 Press of sail, Naut., as much sail as the state of the wind will permit.