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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 stuff /ˈstʌf/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 stuff /ˈstəf/ 及物動詞

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Stuff n.
 1. Material which is to be worked up in any process of manufacture.
    For the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it, and too much.   --Ex. xxxvi. 7.
    Ambitions should be made of sterner stuff.   --Shak.
 The workman on his stuff his skill doth show,
 And yet the stuff gives not the man his skill.   --Sir J. Davies.
 2. The fundamental material of which anything is made up; elemental part; essence.
 Yet do I hold it very stuff o' the conscience
 To do no contrived murder.   --Shak.
 3. Woven material not made into garments; fabric of any kind; specifically, any one of various fabrics of wool or worsted; sometimes, worsted fiber.
    What stuff wilt have a kirtle of?   --Shak.
    It [the arras] was of stuff and silk mixed, though, superior kinds were of silk exclusively.   --F. G. Lee.
 4. Furniture; goods; domestic vessels or utensils.
    He took away locks, and gave away the king's stuff.   --Hayward.
 5. A medicine or mixture; a potion.
 6. Refuse or worthless matter; hence, also, foolish or irrational language; nonsense; trash.
 Anger would indite
 Such woeful stuff as I or Shadwell write.   --Dryden.
 7. Naut. A melted mass of turpentine, tallow, etc., with which the masts, sides, and bottom of a ship are smeared for lubrication.
    --Ham. Nav. Encyc.
 8. Paper stock ground ready for use.
 Note:When partly ground, called half stuff.
 Clear stuff. See under Clear.
 Small stuff Naut., all kinds of small cordage. --Ham. Nav. Encyc.
 Stuff gown, the distinctive garb of a junior barrister; hence, a junior barrister himself. See Silk gown, under Silk.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Stuff, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Stuffed p. pr. & vb. n. Stuffing.]
 1. To fill by crowding something into; to cram with something; to load to excess; as, to stuff a bedtick.
 Sometimes this crook drew hazel bought adown,
 And stuffed her apron wide with nuts so brown.   --Gay.
 Lest the gods, for sin,
 Should with a swelling dropsy stuff thy skin.   --Dryden.
 2. To thrust or crowd; to press; to pack.
    Put roses into a glass with a narrow mouth, stuffing them close together . . . and they retain smell and color.   --Bacon.
 3. To fill by being pressed or packed into.
 With inward arms the dire machine they load,
 And iron bowels stuff the dark abode.   --Dryden.
 4. Cookery To fill with a seasoning composition of bread, meat, condiments, etc.; as, to stuff a turkey.
 5. To obstruct, as any of the organs; to affect with some obstruction in the organs of sense or respiration.
    I'm stuffed, cousin; I can not smell.   --Shak.
 6. To fill the skin of, for the purpose of preserving as a specimen; -- said of birds or other animals.
 7. To form or fashion by packing with the necessary material.
    An Eastern king put a judge to death for an iniquitous sentence, and ordered his hide to be stuffed into a cushion, and placed upon the tribunal.   --Swift.
 8. To crowd with facts; to cram the mind of; sometimes, to crowd or fill with false or idle tales or fancies.
 9. To put fraudulent votes into (a ballot box). [U. S.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Stuff v. i. To feed gluttonously; to cram.
    Taught harmless man to cram and stuff.   --Swift.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a
           physical object; "coal is a hard black material"; "wheat
           is the stuff they use to make bread" [syn: material]
      2: miscellaneous unspecified objects; "the trunk was full of
         stuff" [syn: whatchamacallit, whatsis, sundry, sundries]
      3: informal terms for personal possessions; "did you take all
         your clobber?" [syn: clobber]
      4: senseless talk; "don't give me that stuff" [syn: stuff and
         nonsense, hooey, poppycock]
      5: unspecified qualities required to do or be something; "the
         stuff of heros"; "you don't have the stuff to be a United
         States Marine"
      6: information in some unspecified form; "it was stuff I had
         heard before"; "there's good stuff in that book"
      7: a critically important or characteristic component;
         "suspense is the very stuff of narrative"
      v 1: fill completely; "The child stuffed his pockets with candy"
      2: press or force; "Stuff money into an envelope"; "She thrust
         the letter into his hand" [syn: thrust, shove, squeeze]
      3: obstruct; "My nose is all stuffed"; "Her arteries are
         blocked" [syn: lug, choke up, block] [ant: unstuff]
      4: overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself; "She
         stuffed herself at the dinner"; "The kids binged on
         icecream" [syn: gorge, ingurgitate, overindulge, glut,
          englut, engorge, overgorge, overeat, gormandize,
          gormandise, gourmandize, binge, pig out, satiate,
          scarf out]
      5: treat with grease, fill, and prepare for mounting; "stuff a
      6: fill tightly with a material; "stuff a pillow with
         feathers"; "The old lady wants to have her dead poodle
         stuffed by the taxidermist"
      7: fill with a stuffing while cooking; "Have you stuffed the
         turkey yet?"