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From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 tab·er·na·cle /ˈtæbɚ/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Tab·er·na·cle, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Tabernacled p. pr. & vb. n. Tabernacling ] To dwell or reside for a time; to be temporary housed.
    He assumed our nature, and tabernacled among us in the flesh.   --Dr. J. Scott.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Tab·er·na·cle n.
 1. A slightly built or temporary habitation; especially, a tent.
    Dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob.   --Heb. xi. 9.
    Orange trees planted in the ground, and secured in winter with a wooden tabernacle and stoves.   --Evelyn.
 2. Jewish Antiq. A portable structure of wooden framework covered with curtains, which was carried through the wilderness in the Israelitish exodus, as a place of sacrifice and worship.
 3. Hence, the Jewish temple; sometimes, any other place for worship.
 4. Figuratively: The human body, as the temporary abode of the soul.
    Shortly I must put off this my tabernacle.   --2 Pet. i. 14.
 5. Any small cell, or like place, in which some holy or precious things was deposited or kept. Specifically: --
 (a) The ornamental receptacle for the pyx, or for the consecrated elements, whether a part of a building or movable.
 (b) A niche for the image of a saint, or for any sacred painting or sculpture.
 (c) Hence, a work of art of sacred subject, having a partially architectural character, as a solid frame resting on a bracket, or the like.
 (d) A tryptich for sacred imagery.
 (e) A seat or stall in a choir, with its canopy.
 6. Naut. A boxlike step for a mast with the after side open, so that the mast can be lowered to pass under bridges, etc.
 Feast of Tabernacles Jewish Antiq., one of the three principal festivals of the Jews, lasting seven days, during which the people dwelt in booths formed of the boughs of trees, in commemoration of the habitation of their ancestors in similar dwellings during their pilgrimage in the wilderness.
 Tabernacle work, rich canopy work like that over the head of niches, used over seats or stalls, or over sepulchral monuments. --Oxf. Gloss.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: the Mormon temple [syn: Mormon Tabernacle]
      2: (Judaism) a portable sanctuary in which the Jews carried the
         Ark of the Covenant on their exodus
      3: (Judaism) the place of worship for a Jewish congregation
         [syn: synagogue, temple]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    (1.) A house or dwelling-place (Job 5:24; 18:6, etc.).
      (2.) A portable shrine (comp. Acts 19:24) containing the image
    of Moloch (Amos 5:26; marg. and R.V., "Siccuth").
      (3.) The human body (2 Cor. 5:1, 4); a tent, as opposed to a
    permanent dwelling.
      (4.) The sacred tent (Heb. mishkan, "the dwelling-place"); the
    movable tent-temple which Moses erected for the service of God,
    according to the "pattern" which God himself showed to him on
    the mount (Ex. 25:9; Heb. 8:5). It is called "the tabernacle of
    the congregation," rather "of meeting", i.e., where God promised
    to meet with Israel (Ex. 29:42); the "tabernacle of the
    testimony" (Ex. 38:21; Num. 1:50), which does not, however,
    designate the whole structure, but only the enclosure which
    contained the "ark of the testimony" (Ex. 25:16, 22; Num. 9:15);
    the "tabernacle of witness" (Num. 17:8); the "house of the Lord"
    (Deut. 23:18); the "temple of the Lord" (Josh. 6:24); a
    "sanctuary" (Ex. 25:8).
      A particular account of the materials which the people
    provided for the erection and of the building itself is recorded
    in Ex. 25-40. The execution of the plan mysteriously given to
    Moses was intrusted to Bezaleel and Aholiab, who were specially
    endowed with wisdom and artistic skill, probably gained in
    Egypt, for this purpose (Ex. 35:30-35). The people provided
    materials for the tabernacle so abundantly that Moses was under
    the necessity of restraining them (36:6). These stores, from
    which they so liberally contributed for this purpose, must have
    consisted in a great part of the gifts which the Egyptians so
    readily bestowed on them on the eve of the Exodus (12:35, 36).
      The tabernacle was a rectangular enclosure, in length about 45
    feet (i.e., reckoning a cubit at 18 inches) and in breadth and
    height about 15. Its two sides and its western end were made of
    boards of acacia wood, placed on end, resting in sockets of
    brass, the eastern end being left open (Ex. 26:22). This
    framework was covered with four coverings, the first of linen,
    in which figures of the symbolic cherubim were wrought with
    needlework in blue and purple and scarlet threads, and probably
    also with threads of gold (Ex. 26:1-6; 36:8-13). Above this was
    a second covering of twelve curtains of black goats'-hair cloth,
    reaching down on the outside almost to the ground (Ex. 26:7-11).
    The third covering was of rams' skins dyed red, and the fourth
    was of badgers' skins (Heb. tahash, i.e., the dugong, a species
    of seal), Ex. 25:5; 26:14; 35:7, 23; 36:19; 39:34.
      Internally it was divided by a veil into two chambers, the
    exterior of which was called the holy place, also "the
    sanctuary" (Heb. 9:2) and the "first tabernacle" (6); and the
    interior, the holy of holies, "the holy place," "the Holiest,"
    the "second tabernacle" (Ex. 28:29; Heb. 9:3, 7). The veil
    separating these two chambers was a double curtain of the finest
    workmanship, which was never passed except by the high priest
    once a year, on the great Day of Atonement. The holy place was
    separated from the outer court which enclosed the tabernacle by
    a curtain, which hung over the six pillars which stood at the
    east end of the tabernacle, and by which it was entered.
      The order as well as the typical character of the services of
    the tabernacle are recorded in Heb. 9; 10:19-22.
      The holy of holies, a cube of 10 cubits, contained the "ark of
    the testimony", i.e., the oblong chest containing the two tables
    of stone, the pot of manna, and Aaron's rod that budded.
      The holy place was the western and larger chamber of the
    tabernacle. Here were placed the table for the shewbread, the
    golden candlestick, and the golden altar of incense.
      Round about the tabernacle was a court, enclosed by curtains
    hung upon sixty pillars (Ex. 27:9-18). This court was 150 feet
    long and 75 feet broad. Within it were placed the altar of burnt
    offering, which measured 7 1/2 feet in length and breadth and 4
    1/2 feet high, with horns at the four corners, and the laver of
    brass (Ex. 30:18), which stood between the altar and the
      The whole tabernacle was completed in seven months. On the
    first day of the first month of the second year after the
    Exodus, it was formally set up, and the cloud of the divine
    presence descended on it (Ex. 39:22-43; 40:1-38). It cost 29
    talents 730 shekels of gold, 100 talents 1,775 shekels of
    silver, 70 talents 2,400 shekels of brass (Ex. 38:24-31).
      The tabernacle was so constructed that it could easily be
    taken down and conveyed from place to place during the
    wanderings in the wilderness. The first encampment of the
    Israelites after crossing the Jordan was at Gilgal, and there
    the tabernacle remained for seven years (Josh. 4:19). It was
    afterwards removed to Shiloh (Josh. 18:1), where it remained
    during the time of the Judges, till the days of Eli, when the
    ark, having been carried out into the camp when the Israelites
    were at war with the Philistines, was taken by the enemy (1 Sam.
    4), and was never afterwards restored to its place in the
    tabernacle. The old tabernacle erected by Moses in the
    wilderness was transferred to Nob (1 Sam. 21:1), and after the
    destruction of that city by Saul (22:9; 1 Chr. 16:39, 40), to
    Gibeon. It is mentioned for the last time in 1 Chr. 21:29. A new
    tabernacle was erected by David at Jerusalem (2 Sam. 6:17; 1
    Chr. 16:1), and the ark was brought from Perez-uzzah and
    deposited in it (2 Sam. 6:8-17; 2 Chr. 1:4).
      The word thus rendered ('ohel) in Ex. 33:7 denotes simply a
    tent, probably Moses' own tent, for the tabernacle was not yet