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3 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Whip v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whipped p. pr. & vb. n. Whipping.]
 1. To strike with a lash, a cord, a rod, or anything slender and lithe; to lash; to beat; as, to whip a horse, or a carpet.
 2. To drive with lashes or strokes of a whip; to cause to rotate by lashing with a cord; as, to whip a top.
 3. To punish with a whip, scourge, or rod; to flog; to beat; as, to whip a vagrant; to whip one with thirty nine lashes; to whip a perverse boy.
    Who, for false quantities, was whipped at school.   --Dryden.
 4. To apply that which hurts keenly to; to lash, as with sarcasm, abuse, or the like; to apply cutting language to.
    They would whip me with their fine wits.   --Shak.
 5. To thrash; to beat out, as grain, by striking; as, to whip wheat.
 6. To beat (eggs, cream, or the like) into a froth, as with a whisk, fork, or the like.
 7. To conquer; to defeat, as in a contest or game; to beat; to surpass.  [Slang, U. S.]
 8. To overlay (a cord, rope, or the like) with other cords going round and round it; to overcast, as the edge of a seam; to wrap; -- often with about, around, or over.
    Its string is firmly whipped about with small gut.   --Moxon.
 9. To sew lightly; specifically, to form (a fabric) into gathers by loosely overcasting the rolled edge and drawing up the thread; as, to whip a ruffle.
    In half-whipped muslin needles useless lie.   --Gay.
 10. To take or move by a sudden motion; to jerk; to snatch; -- with into, out, up, off, and the like.
    She, in a hurry, whips up her darling under her arm.   --L'Estrange.
    He whips out his pocketbook every moment, and writes descriptions of everything he sees.   --Walpole.
 11. Naut. (a) To hoist or purchase by means of a whip.  (b) To secure the end of (a rope, or the like) from untwisting by overcasting it with small stuff.
 12. To fish (a body of water) with a rod and artificial fly, the motion being that employed in using a whip.
    Whipping their rough surface for a trout.   --Emerson.
 To whip in, to drive in, or keep from scattering, as hounds in a hurt; hence, to collect, or to keep together, as member of a party, or the like.
 To whip the cat. (a) To practice extreme parsimony. [Prov. Eng.] --Forby. (b) To go from house to house working by the day, as itinerant tailors and carpenters do. [Prov. & U. S.]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      See whip

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: an instrument with a handle and a flexible lash that is used
           for whipping
      2: a legislator appointed by the party to enforce discipline
         [syn: party whip]
      3: a dessert made of sugar and stiffly beaten egg whites or
         cream and usually flavored with fruit
      4: (golf) the flexibility of the shaft of a golf club
      5: a quick blow with a whip [syn: lash, whiplash]
      v 1: beat severely with a whip or rod; "The teacher often flogged
           the students"; "The children were severely trounced"
           [syn: flog, welt, lather, lash, slash, strap,
      2: defeat thoroughly; "He mopped up the floor with his
         opponents" [syn: worst, pip, mop up, rack up]
      3: thrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash; "The tall
         grass whipped in the wind"
      4: strike as if by whipping; "The curtain whipped her face"
         [syn: lash]
      5: whip with or as if with a wire whisk; "whisk the eggs" [syn:
      6: subject to harsh criticism; "The Senator blistered the
         administration in his speech on Friday"; "the professor
         scaled the students"; "your invectives scorched the
         community" [syn: blister, scald]
      [also: whipping, whipped]