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5 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 King·ston King·stone n. Zool. The black angel fish. See Angel fish, under Angel.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Shark n.
 1. Zool. Any one of numerous species of elasmobranch fishes of the order Plagiostomi, found in all seas.
 Note:Some sharks, as the basking shark and the whale shark, grow to an enormous size, the former becoming forty feet or more, and the latter sixty feet or more, in length. Most of them are harmless to man, but some are exceedingly voracious.  The man-eating sharks mostly belong to the genera Carcharhinus, Carcharodon, and related genera. They have several rows of large sharp teeth with serrated edges, as the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias or Carcharodon Rondeleti) of tropical seas, and the great blue shark (Carcharhinus glaucus syn. Prionace glauca) of all tropical and temperate seas.  The former sometimes becomes thirty-six feet long, and is the most voracious and dangerous species known.  The rare man-eating shark of the United States coast (Carcharodon Atwoodi) is thought by some to be a variety, or the young, of Carcharodon carcharias.  The dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) is a common species on the coast of the United States of moderate size and not dangerous.  It feeds on shellfish and bottom fishes.
 2. A rapacious, artful person; a sharper. [Colloq.]
 3. Trickery; fraud; petty rapine; as, to live upon the shark. [Obs.]
 Basking shark, Liver shark, Nurse shark, Oil shark, Sand shark, Tiger shark, etc. See under Basking, Liver, etc.  See also Dogfish, Houndfish, Notidanian, and Tope.
 Gray shark, the sand shark.
 Hammer-headed shark. See Hammerhead.
 Port Jackson shark.  See Cestraciont.
 Shark barrow, the eggcase of a shark; a sea purse.
 Shark ray. Same as Angel fish (a), under Angel.
 Thrasher shark or Thresher shark, a large, voracious shark. See Thrasher.
 Whale shark, a huge harmless shark (Rhinodon typicus) of the Indian Ocean.  It becomes sixty feet or more in length, but has very small teeth.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Spade·fish n. Zool. An American market fish (Chaetodipterus faber) common on the southern coasts; -- called also angel fish, moonfish, and porgy.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 An·gel n.
 1. A messenger. [R.]
 The dear good angel of the Spring,
 The nightingale.   --B. Jonson.
 2. A spiritual, celestial being, superior to man in power and intelligence. In the Scriptures the angels appear as God's messengers.
 O, welcome, pure-eyed Faith, white-handed Hope,
 Thou hovering angel, girt with golden wings.   --Milton.
 3. One of a class of “fallen angels;” an evil spirit; as, the devil and his angels.
 4. A minister or pastor of a church, as in the Seven Asiatic churches. [Archaic]
    Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write.   --Rev. ii. 1.
 5. Attendant spirit; genius; demon.
 6. An appellation given to a person supposed to be of angelic goodness or loveliness; a darling.
 When pain and anguish wring the brow,
 A ministering angel thou.   --Sir W. Scott.
 7. Numis. An ancient gold coin of England, bearing the figure of the archangel Michael. It varied in value from 6s. 8d. to 10s.
 Note:Angel is sometimes used adjectively; as, angel grace; angel whiteness.
 Angel bed, a bed without posts.
 Angel fish. Zool. (a) A species of shark (Squatina angelus) from six to eight feet long, found on the coasts of Europe and North America. It takes its name from its pectoral fins, which are very large and extend horizontally like wings when spread. (b) One of several species of compressed, bright colored fishes warm seas, belonging to the family Chætodontidæ.
 Angel gold, standard gold. [Obs.] --Fuller.
 Angel shark. See Angel fish.
 Angel shot Mil., a kind of chain shot.
 Angel water, a perfumed liquid made at first chiefly from angelica; afterwards containing rose, myrtle, and orange-flower waters, with ambergris, etc. [Obs.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 An·gel fish. See under Angel.