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4 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 cher·ub /ˈʧɛrəb/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Cher·ub n.; pl. Cherubs but the Hebrew plural Cherubim is also used.
 1. A mysterious composite being, the winged footstool and chariot of the Almighty, described in --Ezekiel i. and x.
    I knew that they were the cherubim.   --Ezek. x. 20.
    He rode upon a cherub and did fly.   --Ps. xviii. 10.
 2. A symbolical winged figure of unknown form used in connection with the mercy seat of the Jewish Ark and Temple.
 3. One of a order of angels, variously represented in art. In European painting the cherubim have been shown as blue, to denote knowledge, as distinguished from the seraphim (see Seraph), and in later art the children's heads with wings are generally called cherubs.
 4. A beautiful child; -- so called because artists have represented cherubs as beautiful children.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a sweet innocent baby
      2: an angel of the second order whose gift is knowledge;
         usually portrayed as a winged child
      [also: cherubim (pl)]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    plural cherubim, the name of certain symbolical figures
    frequently mentioned in Scripture. They are first mentioned in
    connection with the expulsion of our first parents from Eden
    (Gen. 3:24). There is no intimation given of their shape or
    form. They are next mentioned when Moses was commanded to
    provide furniture for the tabernacle (Ex. 25:17-20; 26:1, 31).
    God promised to commune with Moses "from between the cherubim"
    (25:22). This expression was afterwards used to denote the
    Divine abode and presence (Num. 7:89; 1 Sam. 4:4; Isa. 37:16;
    Ps. 80:1; 99:1). In Ezekiel's vision (10:1-20) they appear as
    living creatures supporting the throne of God. From Ezekiel's
    description of them (1;10; 41:18, 19), they appear to have been
    compound figures, unlike any real object in nature; artificial
    images possessing the features and properties of several
    animals. Two cherubim were placed on the mercy-seat of the ark;
    two of colossal size overshadowed it in Solomon's temple.
    Ezekiel (1:4-14) speaks of four; and this number of "living
    creatures" is mentioned in Rev. 4:6. Those on the ark are called
    the "cherubim of glory" (Heb. 9:5), i.e., of the Shechinah, or
    cloud of glory, for on them the visible glory of God rested.
    They were placed one at each end of the mercy-seat, with wings
    stretched upward, and their faces "toward each other and toward
    the mercy-seat." They were anointed with holy oil, like the ark
    itself and the other sacred furniture.
      The cherubim were symbolical. They were intended to represent
    spiritual existences in immediate contact with Jehovah. Some
    have regarded them as symbolical of the chief ruling power by
    which God carries on his operations in providence (Ps. 18:10).
    Others interpret them as having reference to the redemption of
    men, and as symbolizing the great rulers or ministers of the
    church. Many other opinions have been held regarding them which
    need not be referred to here. On the whole, it seems to be most
    satisfactory to regard the interpretation of the symbol to be
    variable, as is the symbol itself.
      Their office was, (1) on the expulsion of our first parents
    from Eden, to prevent all access to the tree of life; and (2) to
    form the throne and chariot of Jehovah in his manifestation of
    himself on earth. He dwelleth between and sitteth on the
    cherubim (1 Sam. 4:4; Ps. 80:1; Ezek. 1:26, 28).