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8 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 choice /ˈʧɔɪs/

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 多通道與多選擇 MCMC

From: Network Terminology

 選 選擇

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Choice n.
 1. Act of choosing; the voluntary act of selecting or separating from two or more things that which is preferred; the determination of the mind in preferring one thing to another; election.
 2. The power or opportunity of choosing; option.
    Choice there is not, unless the thing which we take be so in our power that we might have refused it.   --Hooker.
 3. Care in selecting; judgment or skill in distinguishing what is to be preferred, and in giving a preference; discrimination.
    I imagine they [the apothegms of Cæsar] were collected with judgment and choice.   --Bacon.
 4. A sufficient number to choose among.
 5. The thing or person chosen; that which is approved and selected in preference to others; selection.
    The common wealth is sick of their own choice.   --Shak.
 6. The best part; that which is preferable.
 The flower and choice
 Of many provinces from bound to bound.   --Milton.
 To make a choice of, to choose; to select; to separate and take in preference.
 Syn: - See Volition, Option.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Choice, a. [Compar. Choicer superl. Choicest ]
 1. Worthly of being chosen or preferred; select; superior; precious; valuable.
    My choicest hours of life are lost.   --Swift.
 2. Preserving or using with care, as valuable; frugal; -- used with of; as, to be choice of time, or of money.
 3. Selected with care, and due attention to preference; deliberately chosen.
    Choice word measured phrase.   --Wordsworth.
 Syn: - Select; precious; exquisite; uncommon; rare; chary; careful/

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: of superior grade; "choice wines"; "prime beef"; "prize
             carnations"; "quality paper"; "select peaches" [syn: prime(a),
              prize, quality, select]
      2: appealing to refined taste; "choice wine"
      n 1: the person or thing chosen or selected; "he was my pick for
           mayor" [syn: pick, selection]
      2: the act of choosing or selecting; "your choice of colors was
         unfortunate"; "you can take your pick" [syn: selection,
         option, pick]
      3: one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen;
         "what option did I have?"; "there no other alternative";
         "my only choice is to refuse" [syn: option, alternative]