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13 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 flag /ˈflæg ||ˈfleg/

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 旗標; 旗號 FLG

From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Flag v. i. [imp. & p. p. Flagged p. pr. & vb. n. Flagging ]
 1. To hang loose without stiffness; to bend down, as flexible bodies; to be loose, yielding, limp.
    As loose it [the sail] flagged around the mast.   --T. Moore.
 2. To droop; to grow spiritless; to lose vigor; to languish; as, the spirits flag; the strength flags.
    The pleasures of the town begin to flag.   --Swift.
 Syn: -- To droop; decline; fail; languish; pine.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Flag, v. t. To furnish or deck out with flags.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Flag, n.
 1. A flat stone used for paving.
 2. Geol. Any hard, evenly stratified sandstone, which splits into layers suitable for flagstones.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Flag, v. t. To lay with flags of flat stones.
    The sides and floor are all flagged with . . . marble.   --Sandys.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Flag v. t.
 1. To let droop; to suffer to fall, or let fall, into feebleness; as, to flag the wings.
 2. To enervate; to exhaust the vigor or elasticity of.
    Nothing so flags the spirits.   --Echard.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Flag, n.
 1. That which flags or hangs down loosely.
 2. A cloth usually bearing a device or devices and used to indicate nationality, party, etc., or to give or ask information; -- commonly attached to a staff to be waved by the wind; a standard; a banner; an ensign; the colors; as, the national flag; a military or a naval flag.
 3. Zool. (a) A group of feathers on the lower part of the legs of certain hawks, owls, etc. (b) A group of elongated wing feathers in certain hawks. (c) The bushy tail of a dog, as of a setter.
 4. Zool. One of the wing feathers next the body of a bird; -- called also flag feather.
 Black flag. See under Black.
 Flag captain, Flag leutenant, etc., special officers attached to the flagship, as aids to the flag officer.
 Flag officer, the commander of a fleet or squadron; an admiral, or commodore.
 Flag of truse, a white flag carried or displayed to an enemy, as an invitation to conference, or for the purpose of making some communication not hostile.
 Flag share, the flag officer's share of prize money.
 Flag station Railroad, a station at which trains do not stop unless signaled to do so, by a flag hung out or waved.
 National flag, a flag of a particular country, on which some national emblem or device, is emblazoned.
 Red flag, a flag of a red color, displayed as a signal of danger or token of defiance; the emblem of anarchists.
 To dip, the flag, to mlower it and quickly restore it to its place; -- done as a mark of respect.
 To hang out the white flag, to ask truce or quarter, or, in some cases, to manifest a friendly design by exhibiting a white flag.
 To hang the flag half-mast high or To hang the flag half-staff or To hang the flag at half-staff, to raise it only half way to the mast or staff, as a token or sign of mourning.
 To strike the flag or To lower the flag, to haul it down, in token of respect, submission, or, in an engagement, of surrender.
 Yellow flag, the quarantine flag of all nations; also carried at a vessel's fore, to denote that an infectious disease is on board.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Flag, v. t.
 1. To signal to with a flag or by waving the hand; as, to flag a train; also used with down; as, to flag down a cab.
 2. To convey, as a message, by means of flag signals; as, to flag an order to troops or vessels at a distance.
 3. To decoy (game) by waving a flag, handkerchief, or the like to arouse the animal's curiosity.
    The antelope are getting continually shyer and more difficult to flag.    --T. Roosevelt.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Flag, n.  Bot. An aquatic plant, with long, ensiform leaves, belonging to either of the genera Iris and Acorus.
 Cooper's flag, the cat-tail (Typha latifolia), the long leaves of which are placed between the staves of barrels to make the latter water-tight.
 Corn flag. See under 2d Corn.
 Flag broom, a coarse of broom, originally made of flags or rushes.
 Flag root, the root of the sweet flag.
 Sweet flag. See Calamus, n., 2.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of
           distinctive design
      2: plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing
         bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three
         drooping sepals [syn: iris, fleur-de-lis, sword lily]
      3: a rectangular piece of fabric used as a signalling device
         [syn: signal flag]
      4: a listing printed in all issues of a newspaper or magazine
         (usually on the editorial page) that gives the name of the
         publication and the names of the editorial staff, etc.
         [syn: masthead]
      5: flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf
         green [syn: pin]
      6: stratified stone that splits into pieces suitable as paving
         stones [syn: flagstone]
      7: a conspicuously marked or shaped tail
      v 1: communicate or signal with a flag
      2: provide with a flag; "Flag this file so that I can recognize
         it immediately"
      3: droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss
         of tautness [syn: sag, droop, swag]
      4: decorate with flags; "the building was flagged for the
      5: become less intense [syn: ease up, ease off, slacken
      [also: flagging, flagged]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    (Heb., or rather Egyptian, ahu, Job 8:11), rendered "meadow" in
    Gen. 41:2, 18; probably the Cyperus esculentus, a species of
    rush eaten by cattle, the Nile reed. It also grows in Palestine.
      In Ex. 2:3, 5, Isa. 19:6, it is the rendering of the Hebrew
    _suph_, a word which occurs frequently in connection with _yam_;
    as _yam suph_, to denote the "Red Sea" (q.v.) or the sea of
    weeds (as this word is rendered, Jonah 2:5). It denotes some
    kind of sedge or reed which grows in marshy places. (See PAPER
    T0002840, REED.)