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3 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 im·pu·dence /ˈɪmpjədən(t)s/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Im·pu·dence n.  The quality of being impudent; assurance, accompanied with a disregard of the presence or opinions of others; shamelessness; forwardness; lack of modesty.
    Clear truths that their own evidence forces us to admit, or common experience makes it impudence to deny.   --Locke.
 Where pride and impudence (in fashion knit)
 Usurp the chair of wit.   --B. Jonson.
 Syn: -- Shamelessness; audacity; insolence; effrontery; sauciness; impertinence; pertness; rudeness.
 Usage: -- Impudence, Effrontery, Sauciness. Impudence refers more especially to the feelings as manifested in action. Effrontery applies to some gross and public exhibition of shamelessness. Sauciness refers to a sudden pert outbreak of impudence, especially from an inferior. Impudence is an unblushing kind of impertinence, and may be manifested in words, tones, gestures, looks, etc. Effrontery rises still higher, and shows a total or shameless disregard of duty or decorum under the circumstances of the case. Sauciness discovers itself toward particular individuals, in certain relations; as in the case of servants who are saucy to their masters, or children who are saucy to their teachers. See Impertinent, and Insolent.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: an impudent statement [syn: cheek, impertinence]
      2: the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take
         liberties [syn: crust, gall, impertinence, insolence,
          cheekiness, freshness]