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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 lep·ro·sy /ˈlɛprəsi/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 lep·ro·sy /ˈlɛprəsɪ/ 名詞

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Lep·ro·sy n.  Med. A cutaneous disease which first appears as blebs or as reddish, shining, slightly prominent spots, with spreading edges. These are often followed by an eruption of dark or yellowish prominent nodules, frequently producing great deformity. In one variety of the disease, anæsthesia of the skin is a prominent symptom. In addition there may be wasting of the muscles, falling out of the hair and nails, and distortion of the hands and feet with destruction of the bones and joints. It is incurable, and is probably contagious.
 Note:The disease now called leprosy, also designated as Lepra or Lepra Arabum, and Elephantiasis Græcorum, is not the same as the leprosy of the ancients. The latter was, indeed, a generic name for many varieties of skin disease (including our modern leprosy, psoriasis, etc.), some of which, among the Hebrews, rendered a person ceremonially unclean. A variety of leprosy of the Hebrews (probably identical with modern leprosy) was characterized by the presence of smooth, shining, depressed white patches or scales, the hair on which participated in the whiteness, while the skin and adjacent flesh became insensible. It was an incurable disease.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n : chronic granulomatous communicable disease occurring in
          tropical and subtropical regions; characterized by
          inflamed nodules beneath the skin and wasting of body
          parts; caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae [syn:
          Hansen's disease]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    (Heb. tsara'ath, a "smiting," a "stroke," because the disease
    was regarded as a direct providential infliction). This name is
    from the Greek lepra, by which the Greek physicians designated
    the disease from its scaliness. We have the description of the
    disease, as well as the regulations connected with it, in Lev.
    13; 14; Num. 12:10-15, etc. There were reckoned six different
    circumstances under which it might develop itself, (1) without
    any apparent cause (Lev. 13:2-8); (2) its reappearance (9-17);
    (3) from an inflammation (18-28); (4) on the head or chin
    (29-37); (5) in white polished spots (38, 39); (6) at the back
    or in the front of the head (40-44).
      Lepers were required to live outside the camp or city (Num.
    5:1-4; 12:10-15, etc.). This disease was regarded as an awful
    punishment from the Lord (2 Kings 5:7; 2 Chr. 26:20). (See
      This disease "begins with specks on the eyelids and on the
    palms, gradually spreading over the body, bleaching the hair
    white wherever they appear, crusting the affected parts with
    white scales, and causing terrible sores and swellings. From the
    skin the disease eats inward to the bones, rotting the whole
    body piecemeal." "In Christ's day no leper could live in a
    walled town, though he might in an open village. But wherever he
    was he was required to have his outer garment rent as a sign of
    deep grief, to go bareheaded, and to cover his beard with his
    mantle, as if in lamentation at his own virtual death. He had
    further to warn passers-by to keep away from him, by calling
    out, 'Unclean! unclean!' nor could he speak to any one, or
    receive or return a salutation, since in the East this involves
    an embrace."
      That the disease was not contagious is evident from the
    regulations regarding it (Lev. 13:12, 13, 36; 2 Kings 5:1).
    Leprosy was "the outward and visible sign of the innermost
    spiritual corruption; a meet emblem in its small beginnings, its
    gradual spread, its internal disfigurement, its dissolution
    little by little of the whole body, of that which corrupts,
    degrades, and defiles man's inner nature, and renders him unmeet
    to enter the presence of a pure and holy God" (Maclear's
    Handbook O.T). Our Lord cured lepers (Matt. 8:2, 3; Mark
    1:40-42). This divine power so manifested illustrates his
    gracious dealings with men in curing the leprosy of the soul,
    the fatal taint of sin.