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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 se·cret /ˈsikrət/

From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Se·cret a.
 1. Hidden; concealed; as, secret treasure; secret plans; a secret vow.
    The secret things belong unto the Lord our God; but those things which are revealed belong unto us.   --Deut. xxix. 29.
 2. Withdrawn from general intercourse or notice; in retirement or secrecy; secluded.
 There, secret in her sapphire cell,
 He with the Nais wont to dwell.   --Fenton.
 3. Faithful to a secret; not inclined to divulge or betray confidence; secretive. [R.]
 Secret Romans, that have spoke the word,
 And will not palter.   --Shak.
 4. Separate; distinct. [Obs.]
    They suppose two other divine hypostases superior thereunto, which were perfectly secret from matter.   --Cudworth.
 Syn: -- Hidden; concealed; secluded; retired; unseen; unknown; private; obscure; recondite; latent; covert; clandestine; privy. See Hidden.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Se·cret, n.
 1. Something studiously concealed; a thing kept from general knowledge; what is not revealed, or not to be revealed.
    To tell our own secrets is often folly; to communicate those of others is treachery.   --Rambler.
 2. A thing not discovered; what is unknown or unexplained; a mystery.
    All secrets of the deep, all nature's works.   --Milton.
 3. pl. The parts which modesty and propriety require to be concealed; the genital organs.
 In secret, in a private place; in privacy or secrecy; in a state or place not seen; privately.
    Bread eaten in secret is pleasant.   --Prov. ix. 17.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Se·cret v. t. To keep secret. [Obs.]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: not open or public; kept private or not revealed; "a secret
             formula"; "secret ingredients"; "secret talks"
      2: conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods;
         "clandestine intelligence operations"; "cloak-and-dagger
         activities behind enemy lines"; "hole-and-corner
         intrigue"; "secret missions"; "a secret agent"; "secret
         sales of arms"; "surreptitious mobilization of troops";
         "an undercover investigation"; "underground resistance"
         [syn: clandestine, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner(a),
          hugger-mugger, hush-hush, on the quiet(p), surreptitious,
          undercover, underground]
      3: not openly made known; "a secret marriage"; "a secret bride"
         [syn: unavowed]
      4: communicated covertly; "their a secret signal was a wink";
         "secret messages"
      5: not expressed; "secret (or private) thoughts" [syn: private]
      6: designed to elude detection; "a hidden room or place of
         concealment such as a priest hole"; "a secret passage";
         "the secret compartment in the desk" [syn: hidden]
      7: hidden from general view or use; "a privy place to rest and
         think"; "a secluded romantic spot"; "a secret garden"
         [syn: privy, secluded]
      8: (of information) given in confidence or in secret; "closet
         information"; "this arrangement must be kept
         confidential"; "their secret communications" [syn: closet(a),
      9: indulging only covertly; "a closet alcoholic"; "closet
         liberals" [syn: closet(a)]
      10: having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to
          the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding;
          "mysterious symbols"; "the mystical style of Blake";
          "occult lore"; "the secret learning of the ancients"
          [syn: mysterious, mystic, mystical, occult, orphic]
      11: the next to highest level of official classification for
      n 1: something that should remain hidden from others (especially
           information that is not to be passed on); "the
           combination to the safe was a secret"; "he tried to keep
           his drinking a secret"
      2: information known only to a special group; "the secret of
         Cajun cooking" [syn: arcanum]
      3: something that baffles understanding and cannot be
         explained; "how it got out is a mystery"; "it remains one
         of nature's secrets" [syn: mystery, enigma, closed