4 definitions found
Ve·na n.; pl. Venae A vein.
Vena cava; pl. Venae cavae. [L., literally, hollow vein.] Anat. Any one of the great systemic veins connected directly with the heart.-- Vena contracta. [L., literally, contracted vein.] Hydraulics The contracted portion of a liquid jet at and near the orifice from which it issues.
Vena portae; pl. Venae portae. [L., literally, vein of the entrance.] Anat. The portal vein of the liver. See under Portal.
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n : a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries
toward the heart; all veins except the pulmonary carry
unaerated blood [syn: vein, venous blood vessel]
[also: venae (pl)]
See vena