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1 definition found

From: Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary 和英電子辞書

 auxiliary verb
 Ichidan verb
 see: 未然形
 see: 迷惑の受身めいわくのうけみ
 [れる for 五段 verbs, られる for 一段. Follows the imperfective form of (v5) and (vs) verbs]
 indicates passive voice (inc. the "suffering passive")
 see: ら抜き言葉らぬきことば
 [no imperative form. Infrequently used in modern Japanese, e.g. 歩ける is favoured over 歩かれる]
 indicates the potential form
 [no imperative form]
 indicates spontaneous occurrence
 honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language
 [no imperative form]
 used as an honorific for others' actions