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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 ban·quet /ˈbæŋkwət, ˈbæn ||ˌkwɛt/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ban·quet n.
 1. A feast; a sumptuous entertainment of eating and drinking; often, a complimentary or ceremonious feast, followed by speeches.
 2. A dessert; a course of sweetmeats; a sweetmeat or sweetmeats. [Obs.]
 We'll dine in the great room, but let the music
 And banquet be prepared here.   --Massinger.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ban·quet, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Banqueted; p. pr. & vb. n. Banqueting.] To treat with a banquet or sumptuous entertainment of food; to feast.
 Just in time to banquet
 The illustrious company assembled there.   --Coleridge.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ban·quet, v. i.
 1. To regale one's self with good eating and drinking; to feast.
 Were it a draught for Juno when she banquets,
 I would not taste thy treasonous offer.   --Milton.
 2. To partake of a dessert after a feast. [Obs.]
    Where they did both sup and banquet.   --Cavendish.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a ceremonial dinner party for many people [syn: feast]
      2: a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed; "a banquet
         for the graduating seniors"; "the Thanksgiving feast";
         "they put out quite a spread" [syn: feast, spread]
      v 1: provide a feast or banquet for [syn: feast, junket]
      2: partake in a feast or banquet [syn: feast, junket]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    a feast provided for the entertainment of a company of guests
    (Esther 5; 7; 1 Pet. 4:3); such as was provided for our Lord by
    his friends in Bethany (Matt. 26:6; Mark 14:3; comp. John 12:2).
    These meals were in the days of Christ usually called "suppers,"
    after the custom of the Romans, and were partaken of toward the
    close of the day. It was usual to send a second invitation
    (Matt. 22:3; Luke 14:17) to those who had been already invited.
    When the whole company was assembled, the master of the house
    shut the door with his own hands (Luke 13:25; Matt. 25:10).
      The guests were first refreshed with water and fragrant oil
    (Luke 7:38; Mark 7:4). A less frequent custom was that of
    supplying each guest with a robe to be worn during the feast
    (Eccles. 9:8; Rev. 3:4, 5; Matt. 22:11). At private banquets the
    master of the house presided; but on public occasions a
    "governor of the feast" was chosen (John 2:8). The guests were
    placed in order according to seniority (Gen. 43:33), or
    according to the rank they held (Prov. 25:6,7; Matt. 23:6; Luke
      As spoons and knives and forks are a modern invention, and
    were altogether unknown in the East, the hands alone were
    necessarily used, and were dipped in the dish, which was common
    to two of the guests (John 13:26). In the days of our Lord the
    guests reclined at table; but the ancient Israelites sat around
    low tables, cross-legged, like the modern Orientals. Guests were
    specially honoured when extra portions were set before them
    (Gen. 43:34), and when their cup was filled with wine till it
    ran over (Ps. 23:5). The hands of the guests were usually
    cleaned by being rubbed on bread, the crumbs of which fell to
    the ground, and were the portion for dogs (Matt. 15:27; Luke
      At the time of the three annual festivals at Jerusalem family
    banquets were common. To these the "widow, and the fatherless,
    and the stranger" were welcome (Deut. 16:11). Sacrifices also
    included a banquet (Ex. 34:15; Judg. 16:23). Birthday banquets
    are mentioned (Gen. 40:20; Matt. 14:6). They were sometimes
    protracted, and attended with revelry and excess (Gen. 21:8;
    29:22; 1 Sam. 25:2,36; 2 Sam. 13:23). Portions were sometimes
    sent from the table to poorer friends (Neh. 8:10; Esther 9:19,
    22). (See MEALS.)