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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Lu·nar a.
 1. Of or pertaining to the moon; as, lunar observations.
 2. Resembling the moon; orbed.
 3. Measured by the revolutions of the moon; as, a lunar month.
 4. Influenced by the moon, as in growth, character, or properties; as, lunar herbs.
 Lunar caustic Med. Chem., silver nitrate prepared to be used as a cautery; -- so named because silver was called luna by the ancient alchemists.
 Lunar cycle. Same as Metonic cycle. See under Cycle.
 Lunar distance, the angular distance of the moon from the sun, a star, or a planet, employed for determining longitude by the lunar method.
 Lunar method, the method of finding a ship's longitude by comparing the local time of taking (by means of a sextant or circle) a given lunar distance, with the Greenwich time corresponding to the same distance as ascertained from a nautical almanac, the difference of these times being the longitude.
 Lunar month. See Month.
 Lunar observation, an observation of a lunar distance by means of a sextant or circle, with the altitudes of the bodies, and the time, for the purpose of computing the longitude.
 Lunar tables. (a) Astron. Tables of the moon's motions, arranged for computing the moon's true place at any time past or future. (b) Navigation Tables for correcting an observed lunar distance on account of refraction and parallax.
 Lunar year, the period of twelve lunar months, or 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, and 34.38 seconds.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Dis·tance n.
 1. The space between two objects; the length of a line, especially the shortest line joining two points or things that are separate; measure of separation in place.
    Every particle attracts every other with a force . . . inversely proportioned to the square of the distance.   --Sir I. Newton.
 2. Remoteness of place; a remote place.
    Easily managed from a distance.   --W. Irving.
    'T is distance lends enchantment to the view.   --T. Campbell.
    [He] waits at distance till he hears from Cato.   --Addison.
 3. Racing A space marked out in the last part of a race course.
    The horse that ran the whole field out of distance.   --L'Estrange.
 Note:In trotting matches under the rules of the American Association, the distance varies with the conditions of the race, being 80 yards in races of mile heats, best two in three, and 150 yards in races of two-mile heats. At that distance from the winning post is placed the distance post. If any horse has not reached this distance post before the first horse in that heat has reached the winning post, such horse is distanced, and disqualified for running again during that race.
 4. Mil. Relative space, between troops in ranks, measured from front to rear; -- contrasted with interval, which is measured from right to left. Distance between companies in close column is twelve yards.”
 5. Space between two antagonists in fencing.
 6. Painting The part of a picture which contains the representation of those objects which are the farthest away, esp. in a landscape.
 Note:In a picture, the Middle distance is the central portion between the foreground and the distance or the extreme distance. In a perspective drawing, the Point of distance is the point where the visual rays meet.
 7. Ideal disjunction; discrepancy; contrariety.
 8. Length or interval of time; period, past or future, between two eras or events.
    Ten years' distance between one and the other.   --Prior.
    The writings of Euclid at the distance of two thousand years.   --Playfair.
 9. The remoteness or reserve which respect requires; hence, respect; ceremoniousness.
 I hope your modesty
 Will know what distance to the crown is due.   --Dryden.
    'T is by respect and distance that authority is upheld.   --Atterbury.
 10. A withholding of intimacy; alienation; coldness; disagreement; variance; restraint; reserve.
    Setting them [factions] at distance, or at least distrust amongst themselves.   --Bacon.
 On the part of Heaven,
 Now alienated, distance and distaste.   --Milton.
 11. Remoteness in succession or relation; as, the distance between a descendant and his ancestor.
 12. Mus. The interval between two notes; as, the distance of a fourth or seventh.
 Angular distance, the distance made at the eye by lines drawn from the eye to two objects.
 Lunar distance. See under Lunar.
 North polar distance Astron., the distance on the heavens of a heavenly body from the north pole. It is the complement of the declination.
 Zenith distance Astron., the arc on the heavens from a heavenly body to the zenith of the observer. It is the complement of the altitude.
 To keep one's distance, to stand aloof; to refrain from familiarity.
    If a man makes me keep my distance, the comfort is he keeps his at the same time.   --Swift.