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5 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Marsh n.  A tract of soft wet land, commonly covered partially or wholly with water; a fen; a swamp; a morass. [Written also marish.]
 Marsh asphodel Bot., a plant (Nartheeium ossifragum) with linear equitant leaves, and a raceme of small white flowers; -- called also bog asphodel.
 Marsh cinquefoil Bot., a plant (Potentilla palustris) having purple flowers, and found growing in marshy places; marsh five-finger.
 Marsh elder. Bot. (a) The guelder-rose or cranberry tree (Viburnum Opulus). (b) In the United States, a composite shrub growing in salt marshes (Iva frutescens).
 Marsh five-finger. Bot. See Marsh cinquefoil (above).
 Marsh gas. Chem. See under Gas.
 Marsh grass Bot., a genus (Spartina) of coarse grasses growing in marshes; -- called also cord grass.  The tall Spartina cynosuroides is not good for hay unless cut very young. The low Spartina juncea is a common component of salt hay.
 Marsh harrier Zool., a European hawk or harrier (Circus aeruginosus); -- called also marsh hawk, moor hawk, moor buzzard, puttock.
 Marsh hawk. Zool. (a) A hawk or harrier (Circus cyaneus), native of both America and Europe. The adults are bluish slate above, with a white rump. Called also hen harrier, and mouse hawk. (b) The marsh harrier.
 Marsh hen Zool., a rail; esp., Rallus elegans of fresh-water marshes, and Rallus longirostris of salt-water marshes.
 Marsh mallow Bot., a plant of the genus Althaea ( Althaea officinalis) common in marshes near the seashore, and whose root is much used in medicine as a demulcent.
 Marsh marigold. Bot. See in the Vocabulary.
 Marsh pennywort Bot., any plant of the umbelliferous genus Hydrocotyle; low herbs with roundish leaves, growing in wet places; -- called also water pennywort.
 Marsh quail Zool., the meadow lark.
 Marsh rosemary Bot., a plant of the genus Statice (Statice Limonium), common in salt marshes. Its root is powerfully astringent, and is sometimes used in medicine. Called also sea lavender.
 Marsh samphire Bot., a plant (Salicornia herbacea) found along seacoasts. See Glasswort.
 Marsh St. John's-wort Bot., an American herb (Elodes Virginica) with small opposite leaves and flesh-colored flowers.
 Marsh tea. Bot.. Same as Labrador tea.
 Marsh trefoil. Bot. Same as Buckbean.
 Marsh wren Zool., any species of small American wrens of the genus Cistothorus, and allied genera.  They chiefly inhabit salt marshes.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Rose·ma·ry n.  A labiate shrub (Rosmarinus officinalis) with narrow grayish leaves, growing native in the southern part of France, Spain, and Italy, also in Asia Minor and in China. It has a fragrant smell, and a warm, pungent, bitterish taste. It is used in cookery, perfumery, etc., and is an emblem of fidelity or constancy.
    There's rosemary, that's for remembrance.   --Shak.
 Marsh rosemary. (a) A little shrub Andromeda polifolia growing in cold swamps and having leaves like those of the rosemary. (b) See under Marsh.
 Rosemary pine, the loblolly pine. See under Loblolly.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Sea lav·en·der Bot. See Marsh rosemary, under Marsh.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Wild a. [Compar. Wilder superl. Wildest.]
 1. Living in a state of nature; inhabiting natural haunts, as the forest or open field; not familiar with, or not easily approached by, man; not tamed or domesticated; as, a wild boar; a wild ox; a wild cat.
    Winter's not gone yet, if the wild geese fly that way.   --Shak.
 2. Growing or produced without culture; growing or prepared without the aid and care of man; native; not cultivated; brought forth by unassisted nature or by animals not domesticated; as, wild parsnip, wild camomile, wild strawberry, wild honey.
 The woods and desert caves,
 With wild thyme and gadding vine o'ergrown.   --Milton.
 3. Desert; not inhabited or cultivated; as, wild land.  “To trace the forests wild.”
 4. Savage; uncivilized; not refined by culture; ferocious; rude; as, wild natives of Africa or America.
 5. Not submitted to restraint, training, or regulation; turbulent; tempestuous; violent; ungoverned; licentious; inordinate; disorderly; irregular; fanciful; imaginary; visionary; crazy.  “Valor grown wild by pride.” --Prior. “A wild, speculative project.” --Swift.
 What are these
 So withered and so wild in their attire ?   --Shak.
 With mountains, as with weapons, armed; which makes
 Wild work in heaven.   --Milton.
    The wild winds howl.   --Addison.
 Search then the ruling passion, there, alone
 The wild are constant, and the cunning known.   --Pope.
 6. Exposed to the wind and sea; unsheltered; as, a wild roadstead.
 7. Indicating strong emotion, intense excitement, orewilderment; as, a wild look.
 8. Naut. Hard to steer; -- said of a vessel.
 Note:Many plants are named by prefixing wild to the names of other better known or cultivated plants to which they a bear a real or fancied resemblance; as, wild allspice, wild pink, etc.  See the Phrases below.
 To run wild, to go unrestrained or untamed; to live or untamed; to live or grow without culture or training.
 To sow one's wild oats. See under Oat.
 Wild allspice. Bot., spicewood.
 Wild balsam apple Bot., an American climbing cucurbitaceous plant (Echinocystis lobata).
 Wild basil Bot., a fragrant labiate herb (Calamintha Clinopodium) common in Europe and America.
 Wild bean Bot., a name of several leguminous plants, mostly species of Phaseolus and Apios.
 Wild bee Zool., any one of numerous species of undomesticated social bees, especially the domestic bee when it has escaped from domestication and built its nest in a hollow tree or among rocks.
 Wild bergamot. Bot. See under Bergamot.
 Wild boar Zool., the European wild hog (Sus scrofa), from which the common domesticated swine is descended.
 Wild brier Bot., any uncultivated species of brier.  See Brier.
 Wild bugloss Bot., an annual rough-leaved plant (Lycopsis arvensis) with small blue flowers.
 Wild camomile Bot., one or more plants of the composite genus Matricaria, much resembling camomile.
 Wild cat. Zool. (a) A European carnivore (Felis catus) somewhat resembling the domestic cat, but larger stronger, and having a short tail.  It is destructive to the smaller domestic animals, such as lambs, kids, poultry, and the like. (b) The common American lynx, or bay lynx. (c) Naut. A wheel which can be adjusted so as to revolve either with, or on, the shaft of a capstan. --Luce.
 Wild celery. Bot. See Tape grass, under Tape.
 Wild cherry. Bot. (a) Any uncultivated tree which bears cherries. The wild red cherry is Prunus Pennsylvanica.  The wild black cherry is Prunus serotina, the wood of which is much used for cabinetwork, being of a light red color and a compact texture. (b) The fruit of various species of Prunus.
 Wild cinnamon. See the Note under Canella.
 Wild comfrey Bot., an American plant (Cynoglossum Virginicum) of the Borage family. It has large bristly leaves and small blue flowers.
 Wild cumin Bot., an annual umbelliferous plant (Lagœcia cuminoides) native in the countries about the Mediterranean.
 Wild drake Zool. the mallard.
 Wild elder Bot., an American plant (Aralia hispida) of the Ginseng family.
 Wild fowl Zool. any wild bird, especially any of those considered as game birds.
 Wild goose Zool., any one of several species of undomesticated geese, especially the Canada goose (Branta Canadensis), the European bean goose, and the graylag.  See Graylag, and Bean goose, under Bean.
 Wild goose chase, the pursuit of something unattainable, or of something as unlikely to be caught as the wild goose. --Shak.
 Wild honey, honey made by wild bees, and deposited in trees, rocks, the like.
 Wild hyacinth. Bot. See Hyacinth, 1 (b).
 Wild Irishman Bot., a thorny bush (Discaria Toumatou) of the Buckthorn family, found in New Zealand, where the natives use the spines in tattooing.
 Wild land. (a) Land not cultivated, or in a state that renders it unfit for cultivation. (b) Land which is not settled and cultivated.
 Wild licorice. Bot. See under Licorice.
 Wild mammee Bot., the oblong, yellowish, acid fruit of a tropical American tree (Rheedia lateriflora); -- so called in the West Indies.
 Wild marjoram Bot., a labiate plant (Origanum vulgare) much like the sweet marjoram, but less aromatic.
 Wild oat. Bot. (a) A tall, oatlike kind of soft grass (Arrhenatherum avenaceum). (b) See Wild oats, under Oat.
 Wild pieplant Bot., a species of dock (Rumex hymenosepalus) found from Texas to California. Its acid, juicy stems are used as a substitute for the garden rhubarb.
 Wild pigeon. Zool. (a) The rock dove. (b) The passenger pigeon.
 Wild pink Bot., an American plant (Silene Pennsylvanica) with pale, pinkish flowers; a kind of catchfly.
 Wild plantain Bot., an arborescent endogenous herb (Heliconia Bihai), much resembling the banana. Its leaves and leaf sheaths are much used in the West Indies as coverings for packages of merchandise.
 Wild plum. Bot. (a) Any kind of plum growing without cultivation. (b) The South African prune.  See under Prune.
 Wild rice. Bot. See Indian rice, under Rice.
 Wild rosemary Bot., the evergreen shrub Andromeda polifolia.  See Marsh rosemary, under Rosemary.
 Wild sage. Bot. See Sagebrush.
 Wild sarsaparilla Bot., a species of ginseng (Aralia nudicaulis) bearing a single long-stalked leaf.
 Wild sensitive plant Bot., either one of two annual leguminous herbs (Cassia Chamaecrista, and Cassia nictitans), in both of which the leaflets close quickly when the plant is disturbed.
 Wild service.Bot. See Sorb.
 Wild Spaniard Bot., any one of several umbelliferous plants of the genus Aciphylla, natives of New Zealand. The leaves bear numerous bayonetlike spines, and the plants form an impenetrable thicket.
 Wild turkey. Zool. See 2d Turkey.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

 marsh rosemary
      n : any of various plants of the genus Limonium of temperate
          salt marshes having spikes of whit or mauve flowers [syn:
           sea lavender, statice]