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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Mud n.  Earth and water mixed so as to be soft and adhesive.
 Mud bass Zool., a fresh-water fish (Acantharchum pomotis or Acantharchus pomotis) of the Eastern United States. It produces a deep grunting note.
 Mud bath, an immersion of the body, or some part of it, in mud charged with medicinal agents, as a remedy for disease.
 Mud boat, a large flatboat used in dredging.
 Mud cat. See mud cat in the vocabulary.
 Mud crab Zool., any one of several American marine crabs of the genus Panopeus.
 Mud dab Zool., the winter flounder. See Flounder, and Dab.
 Mud dauber Zool., a mud wasp; the mud-dauber.
 Mud devil Zool., the fellbender.
 Mud drum Steam Boilers, a drum beneath a boiler, into which sediment and mud in the water can settle for removal.
 Mud eel Zool., a long, slender, aquatic amphibian (Siren lacertina), found in the Southern United States.  It has persistent external gills and only the anterior pair of legs.  See Siren.
 Mud frog Zool., a European frog (Pelobates fuscus).
 Mud hen. Zool. (a) The American coot (Fulica Americana). (b) The clapper rail.
 Mud lark, a person who cleans sewers, or delves in mud. [Slang]
 Mud minnow Zool., any small American fresh-water fish of the genus Umbra, as Umbra limi.  The genus is allied to the pickerels.
 Mud plug, a plug for stopping the mudhole of a boiler.
 Mud puppy Zool., the menobranchus.
 Mud scow, a heavy scow, used in dredging; a mud boat. [U.S.]
 Mud turtle, Mud tortoise Zool., any one of numerous species of fresh-water tortoises of the United States.
 Mud wasp Zool., any one of numerous species of hymenopterous insects belonging to Pepaeus, and allied genera, which construct groups of mud cells, attached, side by side, to stones or to the woodwork of buildings, etc.  The female places an egg in each cell, together with spiders or other insects, paralyzed by a sting, to serve as food for the larva.  Called also mud dauber.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Wasp n.  Zool. Any one of numerous species of stinging hymenopterous insects, esp. any of the numerous species of the genus Vespa, which includes the true, or social, wasps, some of which are called yellow jackets.
 Note:The social wasps make a complex series of combs, of a substance like stiff paper, often of large size, and protect them by a paperlike covering. The larvae are reared in the cells of the combs, and eat insects and insect larvae brought to them by the adults, but the latter feed mainly on the honey and pollen of flowers, and on the sweet juices of fruit.  See Illust. in Appendix.
 Digger wasp, any one of numerous species of solitary wasps that make their nests in burrows which they dig in the ground, as the sand wasps.  See Sand wasp, under Sand.
 Mud wasp. See under Mud.
 Potter wasp. See under Potter.
 Wasp fly, a species of fly resembling a wasp, but without a sting.