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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 in·de·pen·dent /ˌɪndəˈpɛndənt/

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 獨立於機器的;和機器無關的;不依賴機器的 MI

From: Network Terminology

 獨立 無關

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 In·de·pend·ent a.
 1. Not dependent; free; not subject to control by others; not relying on others; not subordinate; as, few men are wholly independent.
    A dry, but independent crust.   --Cowper.
 2. Affording a comfortable livelihood; as, an independent property.
 3. Not subject to bias or influence; not obsequious; self-directing; as, a man of an independent mind.
 4. Expressing or indicating the feeling of independence; free; easy; bold; unconstrained; as, an independent air or manner.
 5. Separate from; exclusive; irrespective.
    That obligation in general, under which we conceive ourselves bound to obey a law, independent of those resources which the law provides for its own enforcement.   --R. P. Ward.
 6. Eccl. Belonging or pertaining to, or holding to the doctrines or methods of, the Independents.
 7. Math. Not dependent upon another quantity in respect to value or rate of variation; -- said of quantities or functions.
 8. U. S. Politics Not bound by party; exercising a free choice in voting with either or any party.
 Independent company Mil., one not incorporated in any regiment.
 Independent seconds watch, a stop watch having a second hand driven by a separate set of wheels, springs, etc., for timing to a fraction of a second.
 Independent variable. Math. See Dependent variable, under Dependent.
 Syn: -- Free; uncontrolled; separate; uncoerced; self-reliant; bold; unconstrained; unrestricted.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 In·de·pend·ent n.
 1. Eccl. One who believes that an organized Christian church is complete in itself, competent to self-government, and independent of all ecclesiastical authority.
 Note:In England the name is often applied (commonly in the pl.) to the Congregationalists.
 2. Politics One who does not acknowledge an obligation to support a party's candidate under all circumstances; one who exercises liberty in voting.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: free from external control and constraint; "an independent
             mind"; "a series of independent judgments"; "fiercely
             independent individualism"; "an independent republic"
             [ant: dependent]
      2: not dependent on or conditioned by or relative to anything
      3: of political bodies; "an autonomous judiciary"; "a sovereign
         state" [syn: autonomous, self-governing, sovereign]
      4: not contingent
      5: of a clause; able to stand alone syntactically as a complete
         sentence; "the main (or independent) clause in a complex
         sentence has at least a subject and a verb" [syn: main(a)]
         [ant: dependent]
      6: not controlled by a party or interest group
      n 1: a neutral or uncommitted person (especially in politics)
           [syn: mugwump, fencesitter]
      2: a writer or artist who sells services to different employers
         without a long-term contract with any of them [syn: freelance,
          self-employed person]