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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 O·ver adv.
 1. From one side to another; from side to side; across; crosswise; as, a board, or a tree, a foot over, i. e., a foot in diameter.
 2. From one person or place to another regarded as on the opposite side of a space or barrier; -- used with verbs of motion; as, to sail over to England; to hand over the money; to go over to the enemy. “We will pass over to Gibeah.” --Judges xix. 12. Also, with verbs of being: At, or on, the opposite side; as, the boat is over.
 3. From beginning to end; throughout the course, extent, or expanse of anything; as, to look over accounts, or a stock of goods; a dress covered over with jewels.
 4. From inside to outside, above or across the brim.
    Good measure, pressed down . . . and running over.   --Luke vi. 38.
 5. Beyond a limit; hence, in excessive degree or quantity; superfluously; with repetition; as, to do the whole work over. “So over violent.”
    He that gathered much had nothing over.   --Ex. xvi. 18.
 6. In a manner to bring the under side to or towards the top; as, to turn (one's self) over; to roll a stone over; to turn over the leaves; to tip over a cart.
 7. Completed; at an end; beyond the limit of continuance; finished; as, when will the play be over?. “Their distress was over.” --Macaulay. “The feast was over.” --Sir W. Scott.
 Note:Over, out, off, and similar adverbs, are often used in the predicate with the sense and force of adjectives, agreeing in this respect with the adverbs of place, here, there, everywhere, nowhere; as, the games were over; the play is over; the master was out; his hat is off.
 Note:Over is much used in composition, with the same significations that it has as a separate word; as in overcast, overflow, to cast or flow so as to spread over or cover; overhang, to hang above; overturn, to turn so as to bring the underside towards the top; overact, overreach, to act or reach beyond, implying excess or superiority.
 All over. (a) Over the whole; upon all parts; completely; as, he is spatterd with mud all over. (b) Wholly over; at an end; as, it is all over with him.
 Over again, once more; with repetition; afresh; anew. --Dryden.
 Over against, opposite; in front. --Addison.
 Over and above, in a manner, or degree, beyond what is supposed, defined, or usual; besides; in addition; as, not over and above well. “He . . . gained, over and above, the good will of all people.” --L' Estrange.
 Over and over, repeatedly; again and again.
 To boil over. See under Boil, v. i.
 To come it over, To do over, To give over, etc. See under Come, Do, Give, etc.
 To throw over, to abandon; to betray.  Cf. To throw overboard, under Overboard.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Throw, v. t. [imp. Threw p. p. Thrown p. pr. & vb. n. Throwing.]
 1. To fling, cast, or hurl with a certain whirling motion of the arm, to throw a ball; -- distinguished from to toss, or to bowl.
 2. To fling or cast in any manner; to drive to a distance from the hand or from an engine; to propel; to send; as, to throw stones or dust with the hand; a cannon throws a ball; a fire engine throws a stream of water to extinguish flames.
 3. To drive by violence; as, a vessel or sailors may be thrown upon a rock.
 4. Mil. To cause to take a strategic position; as, he threw a detachment of his army across the river.
 5. To overturn; to prostrate in wrestling; as, a man throws his antagonist.
 6. To cast, as dice; to venture at dice.
    Set less than thou throwest.   --Shak.
 7. To put on hastily; to spread carelessly.
    O'er his fair limbs a flowery vest he threw.   --Pope.
 8. To divest or strip one's self of; to put off.
    There the snake throws her enameled skin.   --Shak.
 9. Pottery To form or shape roughly on a throwing engine, or potter's wheel, as earthen vessels.
 10. To give forcible utterance to; to cast; to vent.
 I have thrown
 A brave defiance in King Henry's teeth.   --Shak.
 11. To bring forth; to produce, as young; to bear; -- said especially of rabbits.
 12. To twist two or more filaments of, as silk, so as to form one thread; to twist together, as singles, in a direction contrary to the twist of the singles themselves; -- sometimes applied to the whole class of operations by which silk is prepared for the weaver.
 To throw away. (a) To lose by neglect or folly; to spend in vain; to bestow without a compensation; as, to throw away time; to throw away money. (b) To reject; as, to throw away a good book, or a good offer.
 To throw back. (a) To retort; to cast back, as a reply. (b) To reject; to refuse. (c) To reflect, as light.
 To throw by, to lay aside; to discard; to neglect as useless; as, to throw by a garment.
 To throw down, to subvert; to overthrow; to destroy; as, to throw down a fence or wall.
 To throw in. (a) To inject, as a fluid. (b) To put in; to deposit with others; to contribute; as, to throw in a few dollars to help make up a fund; to throw in an occasional comment. (c) To add without enumeration or valuation, as something extra to clinch a bargain.
 To throw off. (a) To expel; to free one's self from; as, to throw off a disease. (b) To reject; to discard; to abandon; as, to throw off all sense of shame; to throw off a dependent. (c) To make a start in a hunt or race. [Eng.]
 To throw on, to cast on; to load.
 To throw one's self down, to lie down neglectively or suddenly.
 To throw one's self on or To throw one's self upon. (a) To fall upon. (b) To resign one's self to the favor, clemency, or sustain power of (another); to repose upon.
 To throw out. (a) To cast out; to reject or discard; to expel. “The other two, whom they had thrown out, they were content should enjoy their exile.” --Swift. “The bill was thrown out.” --Swift. (b) To utter; to give utterance to; to speak; as, to throw out insinuation or observation. “She throws out thrilling shrieks.” --Spenser. (c) To distance; to leave behind. --Addison. (d) To cause to project; as, to throw out a pier or an abutment. (e) To give forth; to emit; as, an electric lamp throws out a brilliant light. (f) To put out; to confuse; as, a sudden question often throws out an orator.
 To throw over, to abandon the cause of; to desert; to discard; as, to throw over a friend in difficulties.
 To throw up. (a) To resign; to give up; to demit; as, to throw up a commission. “Experienced gamesters throw up their cards when they know that the game is in the enemy's hand.” --Addison. (b) To reject from the stomach; to vomit. (c) To construct hastily; as, to throw up a breastwork of earth.